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research, Page 4

Call for papers ā€“ Refugees and Migrants: Unaccompanied Children in Britain 1914-2014

Against the backdrop of intense contemporary debate on immigration, the University of Southamptonā€™s Parkes Institute and the Centre for German-Jewish Studies at the University of Sussex are pleased to announce an interdisciplinary and international conference on unaccompanied child migration both in and out of the UK over the past century. Continue reading →

Another Conspiratorial meeting

On the sixth day of March, in the town of Eastleigh, I met with a group of potential conspirators… Not really, but I did run a focus group to inform the development of the nacsent “Conspiracy 600″ project (or whatever it ends up being called). So what did I learn? First of all, don’t rely on the SoundNote app. It crashed half-way through my focus group, and I’ve lost the recording of the first half of the session. Luckily I took notes. Continue reading →

Workshop by Professor Ute Smit: ā€œMethodological issues in longitudinal ELF research: Focus on educational settingsā€

Professor Ute Smit, currently visiting from the University of Vienna, will be delivering a workshop on Friday 21st February 2014 in Room 1097, Building 65, Avenue Campus on “Methodological issues in longitudinal ELF research: Focus on educational settings”. The workshop is aimed primarily at PhD students, but is also open to other interested researchers. This workshop follows Professor Smitā€™s talk as part of the CLLEAR/CGE series yesterday. Continue reading →