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Language Learning

From Afrikaans and Albanian to Yoruba and Zulu – with a range of more commonly learnt languages in-between

Students and staff at Southampton now have access to uTalk language learning software. You can choose from over 100 languages and once you have downloaded the uTalk app you can access it from any device. You can download it from Android and IOS app stores and it’s also available for Windows and via CLS Public Workstations. Continue reading →

Try a language taster at our Lifelong Learning Taster Day

Thinking of starting a new language, or progressing your language skills in the new academic year? If so, why not join us for our Lifelong Learning Taster Day on Saturday 16th September 2017 from 10am to 4pm at Avenue Campus? You can participate in a short taster course in French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish or Chinese, and meet some of our tutors. The event is free of change. Continue reading →

‘Understanding Language: Learning and Teaching’ MOOC to be relaunched in October

Modern Languages at Southampton will be relaunching the University of Southampton MOOC, ‘Understanding Language: Learning and Teaching’ on Monday 17 October. This four-week course introduces participants to the field of second language learning, considering language classrooms and the role of teaching in language learning, and exploring the uses of technology in teaching. Continue reading →

New MOOC on ‘Dyslexia and Foreign Language Teaching’ starts today

Lancaster University is launching a MOOC on ‘Dyslexia and Foreign Language Teaching’ starting today, Monday 18th April 2016. This free course is designed for current and trainee teachers of additional languages, and offers a combination of practical tools and theoretical insights to support teachers to meet the needs of students with dyslexia. For further information about this MOOC, and to sign up, visit the course page on the FutureLearn website. Continue reading →

‘Understanding Language: learning and teaching’ MOOC starts today!

A new run of Modern Languages’ MOOC ‘Understanding Language: learning and teaching’, starts today, Monday 4th April, and will run for four weeks. Over 15,000 people have signed up to take the course already. This will be the fourth run of the MOOC, taking its reach to over 160,000 people. For further details about the MOOC, and to sign up to take part, visit the course page on the FutureLearn website. Continue reading →

Next CLLEAR seminar: “L2 Classroom Interactional Competence and Teacher Development”

The next Centre for Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research (CLLEAR) seminar will take place on Wednesday 3rd February 2016 from 4:00-5:30pm in Lecture Theatre C, Building 65, Avenue Campus. The talk is entitled “L2 Classroom Interactional Competence and Teacher Development” and will be delivered by Professor Steve Walsh from Newcastle University. Continue reading →

Study shows some brains are simply not wired for language learning

The Telegraph has reported on a recent study by researchers at McGill University in Canada suggesting that some people “have brains that are not wired for linguistic skills”. According to the study’s findings, it is possible to use brain scans to predict which learners will have greater success in their language learning. To find out more, visit the Telegraph website. Continue reading →

Routes into Languages employability webinar: “Languages for business”

The next Routes into Languages webinar on “Languages for business” will take place on Friday 15th January 2016 at 12pm. The webinar will be live streamed and participants will be able to submit questions to a panel of experts. The discussions can be followed on Twitter at #RoutesLive. For further details about this webinar, including information about the panel of experts, visit the Routes into Languages Live website. Continue reading →