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modern languages, Page 2

Modern Languages and Linguistics seminar – “Jasmine Letters: a tram journey through the linguistic landscapes of post-colonial Tunis”

Modern Languages and Linguistics is hosting a seminar on Wednesday 15th March from 16:00-17:00 in Room 1097, Building 65, Avenue Campus, entitled “Jasmine Letters: a tram journey through the linguistic landscapes of post-colonial Tunis.” The seminar will be presented by Dr Bharain Mac an Bhreithiún from Middlesex University. Continue reading →

Debating Ethnography

The Centre for Transnational Studies hosts a new initiative on Debating Ethnography. The initiative was launched by Professor Marion Demossier and ML postgraduates Shawnee Harkness and Clelia Viecelli Giannotti. Its aim is to foster a research forum across the various disciplinary strands in Modern Languages, to engage more widely with ethnography as a research method, involve multi-disciplinary interest across the University and to examine its relevance to modern societies. Continue reading →

Modern Languages to welcome Year 12 students for Study Day

Modern Languages will welcome 40 Year 12 students from 6 schools across the south east to Avenue Campus next Wednesday 18th January for a Year 12 Study Day. This will be the first of two events in the year for Year 12 students to think about studying languages at university. There will be sessions on cultural topics, grammar and speaking in French, German or Spanish, plus the chance to do an ab initio session in another language (such as Chinese or Portuguese). Continue reading →

Modern Languages and International Centre welcome Chinese university English teachers

Modern Languages and the International Centre are delighted to welcome a group of 40 Chinese university English teachers who will be studying with us for Semester 2 on the China Scholarship Council (CSC) Training Programme. Colleagues are invited to come and meet the group for tea and coffee in the South Corridor on their first day, Thursday 12th January at 11:00-12:00. Continue reading →

Modern Languages graduation today!

Many of our new graduates in Modern Languages are attending the Winter Graduation ceremony at the University of Southampton today, and are graduating alongside other students from the Faculty of Humanities.   Many congratulations to all of our new graduates! Don’t forget you can keep in touch with the University via the Southampton Alumni Facebook page or on Twitter @UniSotonAlumni. Continue reading →

Modern Languages welcomes potential future students to Avenue Campus

Around 50 potential future Modern Languages students will be visiting the Avenue Campus tomorrow, Wednesday 16th November 2016, to meet Modern Languages staff and students, and find out more about Modern Languages study at Southampton. Our visitors may be interested to look at Get Ready for Languages, an online resource which aims to guide you to useful information about life as a Modern Languages student at Southampton. Continue reading →