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modern languages, Page 29

Children in Europe are learning languages earlier

A new report by the European Commission entitled ‘The Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012’ has shown that children are starting to learn foreign languages at an increasingly early age in Europe. Many countries have lowered the starting age for compulsory language learning over the past 15 years and some are beginning to offer it at pre-school level. Continue reading →

Children in Europe are learning languages earlier

A new report by the European Commission entitled ‘The Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012’ has shown that children are starting to learn foreign languages at an increasingly early age in Europe. Many countries have lowered the starting age for compulsory language learning over the past 15 years and some are beginning to offer it at pre-school level. Continue reading →

Future students for Modern Languages

Over 60 sixth formers visited the University of Southampton on 6th November 2012 for the Year 12 Languages Study Day. The event, designed for Year 12 students considering studying languages at university, offered sessions on cultural topics, grammar and speaking in French, German or Spanish, careers in languages, and the chance to try a taster class in a new language. The event was a great success and was positively evaluated by those who attended. Continue reading →

Half a million website visits!

At 1.30pm on Tuesday July 3rd a website created by the eLanguages team in Modern Languages received its 500,000th visit. ‘Prepare for Success’ ( is a website of free interactive learning resources for international students planning to study at any UK university or college. It is also being used extensively by receiving institutions in the UK, as well as by institutions overseas. Continue reading →