Two Marine Geoscience Post-Doctoral Positions Available: A joint collaboration between OES and NOCS Marine Geosciences Group

We are advertising two (2 year) Post-Doctoral positions in Marine Geosciences to further strengthen the strong research links between OES staff (Geology & Geophysics, Geochemistry and Palaeoceanography and Palaeoclimate Research Groups) and the NOCS Marine Geosciences Group. We are looking for excellent candidates either in established areas of collaborative research or for new links between the… Read More Two Marine Geoscience Post-Doctoral Positions Available: A joint collaboration between OES and NOCS Marine Geosciences Group

The 4 year anniversary of the Eyjafjallajökull eruption: My eyewitness account

A few years ago I was lucky enough to witness the infamous summit eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010. Despite all the hassle it caused, especially the financial losses incurred by the aviation industry, the eruption created more awareness of the importance of volcano research in the UK. Subsequent studies of the Eyjafjallajökull eruption have advanced… Read More The 4 year anniversary of the Eyjafjallajökull eruption: My eyewitness account

Carbon Capture and Storage: Geological storage of CO2 within the oceanic crust by gravitational trapping

Chiara Marieni (a second year PhD student undertaking research on “Seafloor mineral carbonation as a guide to improved geological CO2 storage” with Damon Teagle [Geochemistry] and Tim Henstock [G&G]) has recently had an elegant and innovative paper published in Geophysical Research Letters on Carbon Capture and Storage that identifies the regions of the ocean floor… Read More Carbon Capture and Storage: Geological storage of CO2 within the oceanic crust by gravitational trapping

Shari Gallop awarded a Laurie Prandolini Fellowship Award

It has just been announced that Shari Gallop has been awarded a Laurie Prandolini Fellowship Award by the ANZSPAC Division of the Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology ( Only one Fellowship is awarded every year to a selected candidate judged to be of outstanding potential to enable a significant piece of work to be… Read More Shari Gallop awarded a Laurie Prandolini Fellowship Award

Applications open for MSc Engineering in the Coastal Environment

Applications are open for the Engineering in the Coastal Environment MSc 2014/2015 programme at the University of Southampton. The coastal zone is now widely recognised as important at national, European and global levels. Skilled engineers who can understand environmental issues in such sensitive areas are in high demand. The accredited MSc Engineering in the Coastal… Read More Applications open for MSc Engineering in the Coastal Environment

Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Natural Gas Hydrate Systems, Texas

Geology & Geophysics PhD student, Bedanta Goswami, presented a poster at the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Natural Gas Hydrate Systems held at Hotel Galvez, Galveston, Texas, USA from March 23rd­-28th, 2014. Bedanta presented his poster titled: “Resistivity Imaging of Gas Hydrates at the Vestnesa Ridge, West Svalbard Margin using marine CSEM”. He is a… Read More Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Natural Gas Hydrate Systems, Texas

What goes in must come out?

What is the fate of the volatiles that are stored in trench sediments, igneous crust and hydrated lithospheric mantle and that are transported into a subduction zone? G&G Marie Curie Research Fellow Jacob Geersen has been involved in recently published research, that constrains and compare the input and output fluxes of water, chlorine and sulfur into the Central Chilean… Read More What goes in must come out?