All the activities from all the BBSRC Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy (NIBB) have now been collated. This information includes all the Business Interaction Vouchers and Proof of Concept grants awarded by all the Networks thus far, as well as a number of interesting statistics. Download this information at the BBSRC NIBB website here.
RSC Symposium: Renewable chemicals from waste – 20 Nov 15 – London
The Royal Society of Chemistry is holding the above symposium, which looks at “renewable chemicals from waste – securing the molecular value from waste streams”, an initiative supported by the BBSRC. The registration deadline is 6 Nov 15. More information can be found in the flyer: 061550-Renewable Chemicals-A6 Postcard-WEB
Joint FAPESP-BBSRC call: Integrated Biorefinery Approaches for the Manufacture of Advanced Biofuels
The BBSRC has launced this joint call for collaborative proposals in Integrated Biorefinery Approaches for the Manufacture of Advanced Biofuels. More information here: BBSRC FAPESP Advanced biofuels or from the website:
Innovator of the Year 2016 Competition
This competition has now opened and details can be found at
Nominations are open until 29 Oct 15 and the full application deadline is 19 Jan 16.
Another BBSRC BIV Completed – Food Waste Net
Fiberight and Southampton have just completed a BIV project on ‘Recovery of food waste from municipal solid waste (MSW)’ during pulping, with funding from the BBSRC FoodWasteNet NIBB ( The aims of the work were to test an alternative separation technology for Fiberight’s innovative MSW-based sugar platform process, and determine how much food waste can be recovered from different stages. The sidestreams can then be tested for their potential to produce energy and higher-value products. The process is thus a key part of a waste-based biorefinery.
Permastore Tanks and University of Southampton complete first BIV
The Environmental Labs at the University of Southampton have just completed our first Business Interaction Voucher (BIV) project in conjunction with Permastore Ltd. The work involved development of a test procedure for materials to be used in advanced anaerobic digestion applications, including at thermophilic temperatures and in harsh conditions where the process may become unstable or fail. Testing was based on continuous simulation in 35-litre anaerobic digesters, and has provided comprehensive data that would not be available from simple batch tests. An innovative side-stream ammonia stripping system was used to control digestion parameters and provide a wide range of reactor conditions. This BIV was funded by BBSRC through the Anaerobic Digestion Network.
Information on all the work done in the Environmental Labs can be found on their Facebook page.
You too can benefit from such funding for academic help: see for more information.
UK to New Zealand mission on Agricultural and Bio-technologies – Sep 15
The mission is planned to coincide with the NZBIO, New Zealand’s annual biotechnology conference (September 23 and 24) in Wellington, New Zealand, and UK mission participants are encouraged to register and attend the event. Conference registration is available via the NZBIO website ( An early bird rate is generally available to 31 July. Continue reading “UK to New Zealand mission on Agricultural and Bio-technologies – Sep 15”
Synthetic Biology for Biotechnology and Bioenergy Workshop – University of Surrey – 7/8 Sep 15
Our VFA Factory Working Group Chair, Dr Claudio Avignone-Rossa from the University of Surrey, along with Prof Hugo Gramajo of Aregentina’s National University of Rosario is holding a Synthetic Biology for Biotechnology and Bioenergy Workshop on 7-8 September at the University of Surrey. This Workshop is part of the activities of a BBSRC Continue reading “Synthetic Biology for Biotechnology and Bioenergy Workshop – University of Surrey – 7/8 Sep 15”
How Bioscience Benefits the UK Economy
Two independent reports from Capital Economics have been published which highlight how bioscience is benefitting the UK economy. The press release and reports can be found on the BBSRC website here:
Early Career Researchers Win at AD Network Event
Nearly 50 researchers from 17 universities came together on 29-30 Jun 15 at the University of Warwick in order to discuss their cutting edge research. Find out about the winning researchers and prize categories…
Nearly 50 researchers from 17 universities came together on 29-30 Jun 15 at the University of Warwick in order to discuss their cutting edge research. Whilst having a common theme of anaerobic digestion, subject matter varied widely, from pot ale to bioelectrochemistry and metagenomics, with everything else in between. info and photos ….