The 2016 Autumn Statement provided an extra £2 billion a year for the science budget by the end of the Spending Review period, including funding for an Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund. In 2017, the Government committed to “meet the current OECD average for investment in R&D—2.4% of GDP—within ten years, with a longer-term goal of 3%”.

The Industrial Strategy Green Paper, in January 2017, included proposals for an ‘Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund’ and envisaged sectors making the case for ‘sector deals’. The Government has since announced the first investments from the fund, including the Faraday Challenge for battery development focusing on electric vehicle applications.

The Green Paper also highlighted a Government review of practices of universities’ Technology Transfer Offices; an independent Review of the Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) by David Connell; a possible expansion of the Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) or of Knowledge Transfer Partnerships; the “importance of place”, with “increasing our focus on commercialisation and later stage development … likely to increase the opportunities for catch-up in more parts of the country”; a “review of government and research council laboratories and their potential to drive local economic growth”.

More recently, the Government announced plans for a ‘Knowledge Exchange Framework’ to compare universities’ engagement with businesses; a third wave of ‘Science and Innovation Audits’ to map local research, innovation, and infrastructure strengths; and allocations from a ‘Connecting Capability Fund’.

UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) will be operational from April 2018. It will bring together bodies that are currently separately responsible for research and innovation spending.

The Committee would welcome written submissions, ideally by Monday 30 October, on:

  • The coherence and links between the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund and the ‘sector deals’;
  • The model adopted by the Faraday Challenge and its suitability for future investments in other sectors under the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund;
  • The rationale and coherence for the distribution of funding:
  • between the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (and its individual ISCF schemes) and the rest of the Science budget;
  • between the various initiatives to financially support innovation and commercialisation of research;
  • between the two arms of the ‘dual support’ system—funding via the research councils and funding via Research England;
  • between innovation and research.
  • The balance between different parts of the country in Government funding of research/innovation, the effectiveness of such place-based financial support, and how planned place-based funding might affect that balance in future;
  • What further measures the Government should take to use its spending and facilities to strengthen innovation, research and associated ‘place’-based growth.

Submitting written evidence

Submit written evidence via our inquiry page.

The personal information you supply will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 for the purposes of attributing the evidence you submit and contacting you as necessary in connection with its processing. The Clerk of the House of Commons is the data controller for the purposes of the Act. We may also ask you to comment on the process of submitting evidence via the web portal so that we can look to make improvements. If you have any queries or concerns about the collection and use of this information or do not wish your details to be used for the purpose of collecting feedback, please advise the Committee at providing your full name, address, and if relevant your organisation.

Each submission should:

  1. a) be in Word format with as little use logos as possible
    b) have numbered paragraphs
    b) include a declaration of interests.

Please note that:

  • Material already published elsewhere should not form the basis of a submission, but may be referred to within a proposed memorandum, in which case a hard copy of the published work should be included.
  • Memoranda submitted must be kept confidential until published by the Committee, unless publication by the person or organisation submitting it is specifically authorised.
  • Once submitted, evidence is the property of the Committee. The Committee normally, though not always, chooses to make public the written evidence it receives, by publishing it on the internet (where it will be searchable), by printing it or by making it available through the Parliamentary Archives. If there is any information you believe to be sensitive you should highlight it and explain what harm you believe would result from its disclosure. The Committee will take this into account in deciding whether to publish or further disclose the evidence.
  • Select Committees are unable to investigate individual cases.

More information on submitting evidence to Select Committees.


Further Information is here.

Follow us on Twitter: @CommonsSTC


Inquiry page is here.

Committee Membership is here.

Specific Committee information: / 020 7219 2793

Media Information: Sean Kinsey / 020 7219 5012 / 07917 488791

SIFT-MS gas analyser user meeting – 2-3 Nov, Cambridge

Anatune are holding an upcoming user meeting on SIFT-MS that may be of interest to ADNet members:
·         2nd-3rd November (Cambridge) – SIFT-MS workshop and User Group Meeting
SIFT-MS is a comprehensive gas analyser capable of simultaneous measurement of bulk gases and trace (pptv) contaminants in gases including AD and landfill gases.

AD Network Event Roundup – Sep 17




AD Network Funding Roundup: Sep 17

The AD Network still has funding available as follows:

  • Joint AD Network/Food Waste Network BIV – £20K match funded – Closing date 9 Oct 17
  • Business Interaction Voucher (quarterly) – Closing date 30 Sep 17
  • AD Network 4th Proof of Concept call – Closing date 16 Oct 17

Other NIBB Networks still have funding calls open as follows:

  • BioCatNet: 5th POC Call – Closes 31 Oct 17
  • FoodWasteNet: BIV Call – Closes 15 Oct 17
  • HVCfP: BIV Call – Closes 22 Nov 17
  • NProNet: BIV Call – Closes 6 Oct 17
  • PhycoNet: BIV Call – Closes 15 Dec 17

Further funding opportunities include:

GCRF, see:

BBSRC, see:

There are a number of innovate opportunities, e.g. Emerging and Enabling round 3 -8th November 2017. See:

Developing small-scale biomethane upgrading technologies? Join this network…

We would like to make our AD Network members aware of the European Horizon2020 research project called „Record Biomap“ who are looking for companies and institutions who develop innovative technology and process solutions for an efficient and economically viable biomethane production at small to medium scale (<250 m³ raw gas/h). They are considering not only biogas upgrading to biomethane, but also innovative solutions in the field of substrate pre-treatment and digestion.
They are are particularly looking for those technologies which are still under development (TRL 37 technology readiness level). The project aims to build up a knowledge transfer platform to bridge the gap between science and market. The platform also aims to give developers the opportunity to promote their own technologies and to find other stakeholders for new project concepts and cooperation. Part of the project is to develop an interactive map of Europe, The Biomethane Map – see:
Participation in the network is free, and as a member, partaking in the knowledge transfer workshops is also free. We believe that this it’s a good opportunity for companies and institutions to present their solutions to a very wide audience and at the same time learn about the latest solutions in the field of biogas and biomethane. 
At a glance – Participation in the network will give the following advantages to the relevant technologies developers:
  • The institution / company will be presented in the Biomethane Map
  • Information and invitation to workshops and further events for knowledge transfer
  • Information about relevant research funding programmes or calls
  • Development of new project concepts
  • New contacts and networking opportunities
  • Regular research newsletter
To become part of the network, technology developers need only to follow the link to download the forms to be filled (company profile + technology description):
If you have any questions about the project, please do not hesitate to contact them at

WRAP Rural Community Energy Fund – funding still available

The Rural Community Energy Fund (RCEF) is a £15 million programme, jointly funded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (DBEIS). It supports rural communities in England to develop renewable energy projects which provide economic and social benefits to the community. Up to £20K grant and £130 unsecured loan for feasibility and pre-planning is available.

See: .

BBSRC Industrial Partnership Awards (IPAs)

These encourage and support collaboration between academic research groups and industry. IPAs are academic-led, responsive mode grants that have significant industrial involvement and industry partner(s) contributes in cash at least equivalent to 10% of the full project costs. For example with a £550,000 award, industry would contribute £50,000.

See: .

Application deadline: 4th Oct 2017

Funding for Mid-Range Capital Equipment over £200K

This supports the purchase of research equipment through the 17ALERT call for investigators that seeks to pioneer the use of emerging advanced technology and seek to utilise equipment in novel applications.

The principal investigator must be resident in the UK and an academic employee at the lecturer or equivalent level at an eligible organisation. Instrumentation should be deployed on a multi-project or multi-use basis and must enhance the capability of the UK research base in areas of science in BBSRC remit.

The capital equipment budget is £10 million. Applicants can seek capital funding for equipment over £200,000 including VAT, including limited installation and maintenance costs

Closing Date: 14th Sept 2017.

See: .

Funding: EPSRC Resilient and sustainable energy networks for developing countries

This call is supported through EPSRC’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) allocation. The aim of this activity is to support an internationally leading programme of research to tackle the energy distribution challenges faced by developing countries.

See: .

Expression of Interest deadline: 17th August 2017. Proposal deadline: 21st September 2017.

Interested in AD or IB? AD Network Event Roundup

AD Network, Food Waste Network and IBioIC: Opportunities for Food By-product Valorisation, University of Strathclyde, 6 Sep 17

This event aims to engage and inform industrialists and academics on the opportunities Industrial Biotechnology presents for Scotland and the wider UK. The program should raise awareness of IB generally to those industries who have an interest in the valorisation of food waste and/or innovative uses of anaerobic digestion. See more on the AD Network website.

AD Network Research Colloquium, University of Southampton

The LCEDN annual conference, Durham University, 11/12th September

The UK Low Carbon Energy for Development Network aims to deliver a set of capacity development activities to support DFID’s Transforming Energy Access programme. See:

Free LBNet workshop (sandpit), York, 18/19th October 2017.

“UK BioChem 10”. Top bio-based chemicals for the UK: Challenges and Opportunities. Apply to attend this free workshop (sandpit) to develop concepts and teams to take on a Grand Challenge in bio-based chemicals for the UK. The aim is to bring together complimentary teams from academia and industry, and pump prime the best ideas for proof of concept studies generated at this event (up to £50,000) to initiate work in this area and prime it for opportunities arising from the Industrial Strategy Grand Challenge. For more information visit:

Registration deadline: 8th September 2017

BioVale: Value from Unavoidable Food Waste, University of York – 21st September 2017

Breakfast meeting. Join Biovale to discuss the opportunities, barriers and latest technologies for extracting high-value products from unavoidable food waste. Learn about the latest technology to convert your waste into a revenue stream

  • hear from companies which have successfully converted their waste to value
  • discover funding to support innovation projects
  • get updated on the latest policy developments
  • make new connections with companies, policy makers makers and academics.

Speakers include: Nina Sweet (WRAP), Joe Bennett (Biorenewables Development Centre), Rob Wilson (Toast Ale). See: .

C1net Conference 3 – Chemicals from C1 Gas, Nottingham, 5-7th November 2017

This FREE two-day conference will bring together academic and industrial partners to identify and address key challenges in the study of C1gas organisms able to grow on C1 compounds and commercially exploit them for chemical manufacture.


C1net Metabolic Modelling Workshop 4, Nottingham, 15-19th January 2018

See: .

EBA Conference, Antwerp – 24/26th January 2018

“Greening Gas” is the theme of the next EBA Conference, covering the latest developments of biogas, syngas and biomethane production. More than 300 biogas representatives are expected to gather in Antwerp, at the Hilton Hotel and the Kinepolis Event Centre. EBA speakers list includes high level policy makers and representatives from leading biogas and biomethane business. Particular attention will also be paid to the theme of transport, with sessions dedicated to biomethane as a transport fuel and power-to-gas. Speakers will address all issues from a technical, economic, scientific and political perspective.

See: .

Energy Storage and Connected Systems 2018, Olympia Conference Centre, London – 6th Feb 2017

This conference will cover the leap forward in deployment of energy storage and its use including how they integrate into a broader network of connected systems including smart buildings, grids and electric vehicle infrastructure.

See: .