AD Network’s December 2017 Event and training roundup

There are a vast number of great events on offer over the next few months. The AD Network has our “Valorisation of Animal By-Products” event for both researchers and industry who are interested in ways of creating value from such products. The event is at Longleat Forest, Warminster, Wiltshire on 7 Mar 18 and will be followed by an optional visit to Malaby Biogas where they put animal by-products through anaerobic digestion. Register here.


EMBL COURSE: Microbial Communities: Modelling Meets Experiment,  Heidelberg, Germany 3 – 7th December 2018. See: .

Free on-line courses are gaining in popularity and a great way to get a taster of a related field. Why not check out Futurelearn? Courses include Biochemistry: the Molecules of Life; Energy, the Environment and Our Future; Elements of Renewable Energy; Climate Change: The Science…See: