REA Event – Understanding and applying HACCP to anaerobic digestion, Bristol – 22nd Sept 2017
REA is running a one day course focused on HACCP planning for AD operators and developers, with focus on digestate safety and quality. This event is open to both members and non-members.
See: .
REA/ORG Event – Understanding PAS100 in Full, Reading – 1st November 2017
The Organics Recycling Group is running a one day course focused on the PAS 100 and REAL Compost Certification Scheme. The course is targeted at the composter’s personnel who are involved in the establishment implementaion, maintenance and improvement of the PAS 100 quality management system. See: .
International Intensive Biogas Training – Practical Digester Biology, Enniskillen, Northern Ireland – 22/24th November 2017
For the second time the Centre for Renewable Energy & Sustainable Technologies (CREST) and the International Biogas and Bioenergy Center of Competence (IBBK Fachgruppe Biogas) will be running a 3-day in-depth Biogas HANDS ON Operators & Planners Course at the South West College in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland. The course will be delivered by biogas experts from Germany and UK with many years of practical experience in the biogas sector.
See: .
Aqua Enviro Event: Odour management: An introduction to odour regulation, assessment and control, Aqua Enviro Training Suite, Wakefield – 6th Dec 2017,
This course provides delegates with a thorough understanding of how environmental odours are assessed, managed and regulated.