Newton Fund UK-India industrial waste challenge – closes 11 Oct 17

Innovate UK and Research Councils, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), are investing up to £8 million in projects that use cutting-edge solutions to reduce industrial waste in India.

Projects should address reducing industrial waste and pollution, and improve value recovery from waste using biotechnology in one or more of these 5 sectors:

  • leather/tanning/textiles
  • municipal solid waste
  • paper and pulp
  • sewage
  • sugar cane

The total project grant will not exceed £2 million per project for UK partners. Match funding will be made available for Indian project partners by the Government of India. Projects should last between 30 months and 3 years.

Important dates

Final date for UK registration: midday 11 October 2017

Submission of full application: midday 18 October 2017

Further details on the call can be found here:


There is also a workshop on 12th July in York, UK which is open to UK and Indian delegates: