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Topic 1 2015, Page 7

Topic 1 – Digital “Visitors” and Digital “Residents”

Who is digital visitors? Who is digital residents? What do they do and why digital? This blog-post will explain the two different concepts. The term resident means residing at a place which briefly also explains the term digital residents they “resides” online. Spending most of their time creating multiple identities for different communities online, as they have different image to portray to each community. Continue reading →

#MANG2049 Digital Profile

Before the start of the #MANG2049 module, I was given the task to evaluate myself on the digital literacy. It is one of the way that will be beneficial to me in gauging where I am currently. Below are the following results that I have gathered for myself: Rating at the start of module Comments Accessing, managing and evaluating online information 3 I am good in looking for documents or online resource. However, my weakness is that I am uncertain if what I found is credible. Continue reading →