Synthetic Biology for Biotechnology and Bioenergy Workshop – University of Surrey – 7/8 Sep 15

Our VFA Factory Working Group Chair, Dr Claudio Avignone-Rossa from the University of Surrey, along with Prof Hugo Gramajo of Aregentina’s National University of Rosario  is holding a Synthetic Biology for Biotechnology and Bioenergy Workshop on 7-8 September at the University of Surrey. This Workshop is part of the activities of a BBSRC International Partnering Award to facilitate collaboration between academic and industrial researchers from the UK and Argentina for the application of Synthetic Biology approaches to different aspects of biotechnology, biofuel and bioenergy. Research in this area involves the interaction of multi- and cross-disciplinary teams, ranging from Biology and Engineering to Sociology and Economics, demonstrating the potential impact of these technologies on society.

This cross-disciplinary approach is reflected in the variety of speakers, a list of whom can be found in the programme here. Register by contacting