Topic 1: Reflection.
White’s concept of Digital Residency has brought up an insightful discussion amongst the other students. Whilst some have advocated its integration of flexibility with independence over the need for digital proficiency is a step towards the right direction, some have criticised the same factors as being other wise.
Calum’sĀ blog post highlights one of the main upsides of White’s work. Calum believes the concept’s ability to be dynamic gives it the edge over Prensky’s model in a number of ways. One way that I can agree with is being dynamic allows Digital Residency to constantly evolve. Being a relatively new concept, it has already made substantial improvements as seen in this video.
Calum had also mentioned the importance of users of the web not being pigeon-holed. I gave this point some good thought and took a step back as to not succumb to the excitement over the innovation of a concept that involves modern relatability (e.g. doing university work during the day and using facebook at night). What are the real downsides of notĀ being pigeon-holed into categories? I have been boxed into many categories through out my life such as belt ranking in Taekwondo, skill ranking in badminton and many more. Being put into categories where I genuinely belonged into had little to no down sides to it. I move up a rank if I objectively deserved to, simple as that.
Andy’s blog post points out another criticism that I share with White’s concept which is overall usefulness in itself and in comparison to Prensky’s model. In the same blog, I commented on why I thought being in a self-categorising system can be confusing and risky. How good are we at judging ourselves objectively?
In summary.
1. White’s concept has a lot of potential. With time, the combination of it being relatable to the modern world and it being dynamic, gives it a lot of room for improvement.
2.. Being boxed into categories can only be harmful if it’s permanent which is what Prensky’s model was criticisedĀ for.
3. On the other hand, being boxed into a category for a period of time with set goals to achieve in order to move into another category is notĀ that bad
4. Being flexible and in a continuum comes with a lot of subjectivity and in some occasions bias. Andy says it eloquently in his last point on his post on how a system that involves the principles from both White and Prensky’s models could be more beneficial. Flexibility with objectivity.
Links to the blog posts that I have commented on: