Standing Out in a Crowd – A Reflection

I am now half way through my module UOSM2033: Living and Working on the Web and feel as though I am really learning things, with the topics and the discussions that I’m having certainly impacting on how I conduct myself on the web, in what I feel is for the better.

This reflection will on Topic 3, which required me to look into ones online professional profile and how it can be developed.

Firstly, I want to make it known that I attempted to go down a more informal path with the structure of this topic, despite praise for the writing style of my previous blogs, due to the desire to counteract the increasing formality of my other assignments and dissertation.

Out of the research conducted for my own write-up, the thing I found most interesting was how common it is becoming for employers to search for their prospective employees online, and for them to view various identities one my have on social networking sites. This is why I felt the need to stress the importance of maintaining a positive online presence on these social networks when attempting to build and authentic professional profile online. Also, like many others, including Lucy, I spoke of the benefits that can be gained through LinkedIn and Twitter.

I also learnt an incredible amount from reading and interacting with my peers through their own blogs. I especially liked how Andy wanted to draw attention away from the online profile and focus more on the actual CV, as he felt it remained the most important thing which I found difficult to argue against. His opinion is summed up rather brilliantly in the last sentence of this comment made during our discussion.

I also discussion the authenticity of ones online profile when one is trying to impress any possible employers with Aeragan via the comments section of my own blog. While this is kind of the point on a site like LinkedIn, it could become a problem on a site like Twitter, where one plays false in attempt to sound more intellectual/interested in a topic/controversial than one actually is in an attempt to impress an employers. Aeragan was concerned that this could distract from the real you, but I concluded that I feel it is simply important to give off a good impression.

I was additionally engaged in a discussion with Lucy surrounding the use of true social networking sites in a professional capacity. While she doesn’t feel Facebook is as useful, it was incredibly interesting reading how she utilises Twitter to connect with employers and companies she feels could be for her. It had never occurred to me to use Twitter this way, but the more I thought about it the more I realised how easy Twitter makes it to engage with employees in companies I may consider working for. It creates a wonderful platform from which to build professional networks, and is something I will truly consider doing.

Thanks for reading!


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