Meeting Summary 19/03/2015

Meeting Summary 19/03/2015

During the meeting the group discussed with Rob the app feature posts that we have made in order to receive some feedback and improvements to make. Rob provided some grammatical corrections and layout suggestions that each member will change for the next meeting.

For the next meeting

Following on from the corrections individuals have made to the feature posts, each member should put a copy of their post to the shared googledrive in order for the rest of the group to proof read. Each member should also think about what tasks would contribute most to the success criteria when considering planning the design steps for the product. This may include how usability can be illustrated through design, existing design theory for apps or consider wider tools, papers or theories on design.

This post represents that coherent structure and story are present in the portfolio which uses the entry and tags mechanism of the blog system. It tells the story of the project by explaining individual roles clearly, explaining why these were decided, and what outcome they will produce later on in the project.

Minutes by Briony.

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