iSolutions uses ITILÂ processes as part of its Service Management. Â We organise our processes in a way informed by ITIL, and provide reports on how well we met our stated aims. Â The main way that our users interact with us is through the Incidents and Service Requests they raise via ServiceLine. Â We have targets to resolve 90% of Service Requests and Incidents with a set target time measured in elapsed minutes.
About Matthew Deeprose
Posts by Matthew Deeprose:
First look: Improved Blackboard Group Administration
When we upgrade Blackboard this summer, there will be a number of valuable improvements to the Groups feature. The Groups feature allows instructors to place students into groups and give them a dedicated group area where they may use blog, journal, wiki, calendar, task management, file exchange, and discussion board functionality. Adaptive Release rules can be set so that groups see different content within their Blackboard course based on which group they belong to.
With the upgrade new functionality will be available that improves the administration of groups for Instructors.
Matthew Deeprose ⋅ BB 2014, Blackboard, Coming up, First look ⋅ No comments
First look: New Blackboard Text Editor
When we upgrade Blackboard this summer, one of the benefits will be a new text editor.
The headline features of the new text editor are:
– proper copy and paste from Word without needing to use the “paste from word” mashup.
– new equation editior with MathML support.
– “true HTML” editing – although some aspects will be automatically stripped in order to enforce security best practice.
– more options for aligning graphics around text
Matthew Deeprose ⋅ BB 2014, Blackboard, Coming up, First look ⋅ No comments
First Look: New Blackboard Discussion Board
When we upgrade Blackboard this summer, one of the benefits will be a newly designed discussion board. The look and feel of the discussion board has been refreshed and looks much more contemporary. User avatars are shown beside discussion board posts. These avatars will also be shown beside blog posts and in a few other areas.
Matthew Deeprose ⋅ BB 2014, Blackboard, Coming up, First look ⋅ No comments
Blackboard Analytics â February 2014
Google Analytics and University of Southampton Blackboard service
Google Analytics (GA) is turned on within a number of MLE sites including Blackboard and Panopto. In the interest of openness we will share a number of pieces of analytical data with the community. Note that some data is from a smaller sample size and may not reflect 100% of users.
Matthew Deeprose ⋅ Analytics, Blackboard, Blackboard Analytics ⋅ No comments
(How Well) Are You Being Served? Teaching Support Ticket Resolutions Stats – January 2014
iSolutions uses ITILÂ processes as part of its Service Management. Â We organise our processes in a way informed by ITIL, and provide reports on how well we met our stated aims. Â The main way that our users interact with us is through the Incidents and Service Requests they raise via ServiceLine. Â We have targets to resolve 90% of Service Requests and Incidents with a set target time measured in elapsed minutes.
Matthew Deeprose ⋅ Customer Service, Incidents, ITIL, Service Level Targets, Service Requests ⋅ No comments
Blackboard in the new data centre, what does it mean for me? Part 2
Following our article first post looking at the direct impact to users following our migration to the new data centre we thought that our customers may also be interested in the benefits and features of the new data centre itself.  We spoke to Mike Powell the Data Centre Manager to find out more.
Matthew Deeprose ⋅ Blackboard, First look, Infrastructure ⋅ No comments
Five Blackboard Tips for students and staff
Each month our Blackboard service is used by more than 24,000 members of the University. Â Less than 1% of those customers contact ServiceLine with a query about the Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment. Â Most of these queries can be answered by referring to our web pages. Â Those who do raise a ticket will usually find they have received a resolution very quickly. Â With this in mind here are some quick tips based on queries we have been receiving lately.
Matthew Deeprose ⋅ BB Tips, Blackboard, Customer Service, Uncategorized ⋅
Blackboard Summer Downtime 2014
Following the successful migration of Blackboard to the new data centre in December 2013, we are now looking ahead to the upgrade to the latest version of the Blackboard software which we will carry out this Summer 2014.
Information about the new features coming to Blackboard after we upgrade can be found here: Blackboard 2014.
Blackboard Analytics â January 2014
Google Analytics and University of Southampton Blackboard service
Google Analytics (GA) is turned on within a number of MLE sites including Blackboard and Panopto. In the interest of openness we will share a number of pieces of analytical data with the community. Note that some data is from a smaller sample size and may not reflect 100% of users.
Matthew Deeprose ⋅ Analytics, Blackboard, Blackboard Analytics ⋅ No comments