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Digital Difference: the impact on the learning with society

About digital difference Digital difference is how application of digital technologies change the way of doing things in society nowadays, comparing to the past. It usually occurs when the innovation or new technologies can change the efficiency and effectiveness of communication. In the past, people mostly use paper-based communication such as writing letters or face to face communication. Continue reading →

TOPIC 1: Impact of Digital Differences

Social differences and inequalities such as demographics and social classes of an individual determines a lot on how much and how far one’s interaction can get with the web. Older Generation, lower levels of education or lower incomes, are much less likely to use the web. Older people are not exposed to the current modern technology that we use at this age, they have lesser knowledge on how to use the web. Continue reading →

Digital Differences

What is digital differences? The stark differences between those who were using the internet and those who were not.  (Zickuhr & Smith, 2012) There is a multitude of factors that affect digital differences such as age, gender, ethnicity, disability, social context, educational level, economic status, country of residence, digital literacy level, motivation and attitude. Continue reading →

Living On The Web: Digital Differences

Over the last decade, there has been a drastic increase in (individual) internet users worldwide from 15.8% in 2005 to 48% in August 2017 (Marketing Charts, 2017). At a glance, the figures may look good as almost half of the world’s population is using the internet. However, not many of us actually thought about why the other half of the population does not use the internet or have access to it. Continue reading →

TOPIC 1: Digital Differences

As the society moves towards the digital age, many of us have the privilege to have access to the internet and experience the virtual life on the technologies. However, not all of us have the same privileged enough to do so due to several factors. Let’s look into some data collected from the internet: DIGITAL DIFFERENCES VS. AGE Following the data, it can be derived that as the age increases, the respondents prefer using/accessing different types of digital platform. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital Differences

In our generation, the web has been deeply embedded in our daily lives that it is deemed as a necessity in our work, social lives or education. The main aspect that I will be elaborating on today would be how Digital Differences has impacted on me in terms of education attainment. From here, we can see that there is an increasing trend of internet adoption even if digital differences on internet interaction still exists in terms of age, gender, class, race and economic culture. Continue reading →