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Topic 1: Web Interaction and Digital Differences

Digital Differences between people goes beyond just those having basic web knowledge or those with intermediate knowledge. Besides demographics such as age and gender, occupation, physical environment, living conditions and etc, how one interacts with the Web could also be affected by the digital differences. Lets take a look at a research done by Ofcom Research, on adults’ media use and attitude. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital Differences(#MANG2049)

In this day and age, the web has helped us to stay connected with people, search for the information in work and academic purpose. In this post, I will discuss how the digital differences have impacted on me in terms of the income and cultures value. According to the survey conducted by Pew Research Center, the population of the internet has reached 85%. However, the digital differences in the race, age, education attainment, household income and urbanity still exist in the world. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Digital Differences

Today, I’m fortunate to be able to gain easy access to the internet with fast connectivity. However, digital differences still exist (Kathryn Zickuhr, 2012). These are contributed by factors like age, economic status, education and motivation (Susan Halford, Huw Davies and Jo Dixon, 2017). In this blog post, I will elaborate on how factors contribute to the ‘Digital Differences’ and impact my interaction with the web. Continue reading →

Topic 1 : My Digital Differences And Its Impact on My Web Interactions

As a millennial in Singapore, I have had the privilege of growing up along with the advent of mainstream Internet. This is the same for most Singaporeans. An infographic published by the Singapore Department of Statistics has revealed that in 2013, 78% of all households had Internet access. (Singapore Department of Statistics, 2017) Also, there were 4.3 million Internet users (Euromonitor, 2016) in a total population of 5.6 million in Singapore. Continue reading →

Topic 1

Topic 1: Impact of Digital Differences and How Do I Interact with the Web Everyone have different ways of choosing how they interact on the Web. Most of us have internet access at home and are able to use the web often due to us having higher education and better income where we can afford smart phone devices and computers. Furthermore, across the globe there has been a surge in the usage of digital technology to interact with others on the web as shown in the figure below. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Digital Differences

“Digital Differences” is generally referring to the differences or impacts caused by the digital evolution. Surprisingly, as we look back, digital technology has change the way we do things in all aspects. Instead of going to the grocery stores, we can now shop online and get the goods delivered to our doorstep. We no longer make frequent trip to the bank but just click a few buttons online to make our desired changes regarding finances. Continue reading →

Topic 1 Living on the web page

  Evaluate the impact of your “Digital Differences” on how you interact with the Web   The online platform providing variety benefit for people but not all of us use the internet. Some people don’t use the internet because of they think it not relevant for them or completely waste their time. Apparently, we all do not have the same reason, skill or devices to access the internet. We all do not have the same preferences to interact with the web. Continue reading →

The impact of Digital Differences

I suspect many of you are wondering what exactly the digital difference is. Well, the digital difference is the distinction of every individual in accessing technology and social. In this case, the difference factor can be in terms of age, education level, country of residence, motivation and so on. Source: Google Image According to bar chart shown above, it is clear that the internet users has increased dramatically over the last decade. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Evaluate the impact of your “Digital Differences” on how you interact with the Web.

Internet, a necessities in our world these days. It helps us access different things throughout the globe and makes the world a smaller place. Travelling through the lens of the internet, why not? Internet, a world full of wonders that drives different outcome through different people. Depending on their demographics, motivation and even down their living condition. This is what we call digital differences. Continue reading →