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Should We Allow Digital Differences To Affect Us?

Topic 1 has furthered my thoughts on the differences in usage of the Internet per individual and how certain factors can disrupt one’s access to the Internet. After reading Julian’s post on Digital Differences and the 3 distinct groups of people classified by their level of tech savviness, I crafted a “Digital Literacy” chart on what I have learnt and intend to learn throughout this module. Digital Literacy applies differently to everyone. Continue reading →

Review of Day 4

We discussed feedback on the Intro posts - see a summary of key points in the "General Feedback section. Your first topic 1 posts are due end of Friday, comments by end of Monday and Reflections by end of Tuesday. Monday’s Live session can be accessed here where we will cover commenting, reflecting and self-marking. Continue reading →

Introductory Post: Digital Resident or Digital Visitor? Which am I?

Technology has become part and parcel of our daily activities. It is now the main platform where we learn, communicate, gather knowledge and form valuable insights. Are you aware of the terms “Digital Resident” and “Digital Visitor”? Which do you think describes you best? Read on to find out more: What is a Digital Resident? A digital resident uses the internet to connect or be with other people. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Impact of “Digital Differences” on my learning

Nowadays, technologies is everywhere and the use of online resources is easily accessible in most countries. According to research, there are countries that are still not exposed to this kind of privileges. Many different factors have contributed to the digital differences across individual which effects our learning network. Regardless of different factors, all lead to different level of exposure to the digital world. Continue reading →

The Digital Divide

I am sure many of us in Singapore would have experienced the crazy downpours over the past week. In a way, you could say that I was unfortunate to be caught in the rain while running a few business appointments over the week. Well, I do admit that I was slightly inconvenienced as it affected my travelling time. In the past, I would have been late or have a really bad day from the troubles of getting around. Not anymore. Continue reading →

What impacts have my digital differences had on how I interact with the Web?

Technology, the buzzword of the 21st century, has played an integral role in our lives that it is almost impossible to imagine what would happen if it ceases to exist. As seen from the graph above (Zickuhr, K. Smith, A., 2012), there is an increasing percentage of American adults using internet, over time. This has shown that technology has dominated most aspects of our everyday lives. Continue reading →