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Digital Differences: More Insights

After perusing the thoughts and insights of my colleagues, I’ve gained a wider perspective of digital differences. The consensus is that being motivated and having the right attitudes can overcome digital differences. I’ve mentioned previously that finding the internet unnecessary is the most common reason for not using it, Alicia highlights how curiosity fuels the desire to learn and that having access to the internet does not translate to fully utilizing its resources. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Reflection Time

Today’s topic on digital differences was an eye-opener for me. After doing some research and reading my classmates’ posts, I definitely gained a deeper insight into what is causing these digital differences to be present and how it can impact one’s learning. After reading Michelle’s blog, I realised that we have very similar views on what is contributing to the digital differences. Of course, there are many other factors out there that are present. Continue reading →

More thoughts on Digital Differences

After reading through some of my friends’ thoughts about Digital Differences, I reflected on their viewpoints, along with mine. Denise mentioned about the increasing trend of internet adoption despite digital differences on internet interaction, which still exist in terms of age, gender, class, race and economic culture. I thought that it related to the discussion on MOOC, which proved, if people wanted to use the internet, they would find a way. (see Figure 1). Figure 1. Continue reading →


I would say that this digital learning opportunity has brought me another stage of knowledge. Despite I was born in a digital environment, I have never thought of so many details about “digital”.  Yaamani’s post has given me a new idea of the digital difference in terms of environmental constraints. With her video sharing part, it has given me a chance to explore interesting knowledge and news that I have missed out. Continue reading →

Topic 1 “Digital Differences”: A penny for my thought?

Source: Original content, photo taken by Ryan Hutton  After reading a few other posts on digital differences, it has further enlightened me on what causes these differences and how it affects us in the way we interact with the web. With Julian’s post and comment he left on mine, I realized that even though schools nowadays encourage us to use the internet for our learning, there are parents out there whom do not lean towards this method and restrict their children from doing so. Continue reading →

It’s Reflection Time. See what have I learnt about Digital Differences. *click me!

Before the topic begins, I have no ideas about the terms of “Digital Differences” and the demographic factors such as the age, gender, economic status, etc might affect on the learning of individuals. After reading through my colleague’s post, their personal examples and explanations provided me with a better understanding of this topic. For Simon’s blog, I’ve learned how Country of Residence has impacted on the individuals. Continue reading →

My Real Thoughts on Digital Difference

Photo By: Krzysztof Puszczyński After reading many of my peer’s blog post, I realized many of them have mentioned education and income level as their digital difference factor. Photo By: Myself I agree that this factor could shape one’s digital usage differently. In Renee’s blog post it was mentioned that education attainment would affect one’s technology adoption rate. I  agree that it could be a determining factor in the past but not the present. Continue reading →

What have I LEARNED?

After reading through some of my classmates’ take on Topic 1, I experienced a better understanding of the theories and what each term actually means – digital visitors/residents, digital differences, digital immigrants/natives. We all categorized ourselves individually and made pretty satisfying arguments with being either a digital resident, digital visitor and made our opinions about digital differences. Continue reading →

How my thoughts on digital differences has changed over time..

Everyone has their own unique set of thoughts and opinions, is there any right or wrong? Content There is a general consensus that we are privileged and largely unaffected by digital differences as we live in a well-connected society such that the internet has become a part of our daily lives. Before embarking on this #MANG2049 journey, I had assumed that the way most of us use the internet would be similar. Continue reading →