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Topic 1 Living on the web page

  Evaluate the impact of your “Digital Differences” on how you interact with the Web   The online platform providing variety benefit for people but not all of us use the internet. Some people don’t use the internet because of they think it not relevant for them or completely waste their time. Apparently, we all do not have the same reason, skill or devices to access the internet. We all do not have the same preferences to interact with the web. Continue reading →

The impact of Digital Differences

I suspect many of you are wondering what exactly the digital difference is. Well, the digital difference is the distinction of every individual in accessing technology and social. In this case, the difference factor can be in terms of age, education level, country of residence, motivation and so on. Source: Google Image According to bar chart shown above, it is clear that the internet users has increased dramatically over the last decade. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Evaluate the impact of your “Digital Differences” on how you interact with the Web.

Internet, a necessities in our world these days. It helps us access different things throughout the globe and makes the world a smaller place. Travelling through the lens of the internet, why not? Internet, a world full of wonders that drives different outcome through different people. Depending on their demographics, motivation and even down their living condition. This is what we call digital differences. Continue reading →


Technology is becoming more user-friendly and affordable now. However, According  Pew Internet & American Life Project, Internet is very poorly accessible to the less well off while the rich enjoy the convenience of such high speed internet. This is a form of inequality that is affecting many poor young people from many opportunities. This is where they neither gain access to internet at home nor in schools or work places. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital Differences

Over the years, the number of internet users grew worldwide. This can be seen from the graph in Figure 1. Figure 1.1: Internet users in the world, 1993-2014 Fig 1.2: Activities per minute by internet users However, as the numbers increase, there are still people out there who are not exactly contributing to the rise. They are people who are “affected” by factors like age, gender or amount of education received. Continue reading →

TOPIC 1 – The Impact of Digital Differences on Interaction with the Web

For most of us online users, the Web has become an integral part of our daily lives. We spend a big chunk of our time carrying different tasks with the help of some digital tools. However, we often assume that everyone else has fairly the same level of access to online platform. In reality, social differences largely determines a person’s interaction with the Web.  For one instance, people who live in rural areas tend to have less access to the internet. Continue reading →

Topic 1: The impact of my “Digital Differences” on how I interact with the Web.

It is flawed thinking to assume that internet usage is the same for everybody in terms of availability, accessibility and usage ability etc. (Halford, Professor Susan, et al) Digital differences can lie in different demographics/ psychographics factors, which may influence different internet usage. Let me discuss some of these digital differences through my personal experience on interacting with the Web. Aged 20, I belong to the millennial group term. Continue reading →

Topic 1: “Digital Differences” and how it has impacted my interaction with the web.

In today’s post, I will be talking about “Digital Differences” and evaluating the impact of it on how I interact with the web. Source: Original content, photo taken by on Unsplash. The way we interact with the Web varies and is typically a reflection of wider social and structural inequalities (E.G. Demographics). We are all different in terms how accessible we are to technology and how online practices are displayed. Continue reading →

Digital Differences: How Experience Changes the Way You Interact with the Web

The internet has undoubtedly opened up the world for us, albeit in many different ways. It has allowed us to access more information than ever before and paved the way for tools that enhance almost every aspect of our lives. Think of the forums that forged communities of like-minded people, e-commerce platforms that created a whole new genre of business. Unfortunately, harnessing the full potential of the internet is not always available to some of us. Continue reading →