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My End of Thoughts on Digital Differences

The first topic has been rather thought provoking for me. Before reading up on this topic, I did not have any idea what is Digital Differences and the impact it has upon an individual interacting on the Web. This topic made me realize that not only will Digital Differences impact me but also how various people interact on the Web. After reading my classmate’s blog posts, it broaden my perspective of the various impacts it has on an individual. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflection- Aspects that I need to improve and gain.

Topic 1: Digital Differences, changes my view and thoughts on web connectivity. I also found out that there are similar ideas and contrast points from reading my classmates’ feedback and their thoughts on this topic, which leads me to find out what I lack while contributing to this topic. First thing I noticed is that I lacked visual aid to support my argument. In all honesty, I’m not really in tune with using Piktochart or any other graphics-related tools. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Reflection

On Monday, I popped over to Aaron’s and Jennifer’s blog to find out what are their thoughts on the topic Digital Differences! Illustrated in the Venn diagram below, we can see the 2 different approaches that Aaron and Jennifer uses. Aaron’s He evaluated himself against the different factors that cause the digital differences and further introduce a simple hierarchy inspired by Maslow to go in-depth into finding out what are the leading causes of the differences. Continue reading →

Reflection on Topic 1

#MANG2049 have changed my views about the Web. Reading through my friends’ blog, each and every one of them has different viewpoints. All of them are right and there is no correct answer in this sense. Digital difference is something that we cannot avoid. Everyone is brought up differently and have their own set of perspective. There are 4 main takeaways from Topic 1 which are as following: Balance – We have to strive for balance when dealing with the digital world. Continue reading →

Audrey’s thoughts… on Digital Differences

After reading my peers’ blogs and researching about the factors causing digital differences in online practices (age, gender, education level, country etc.) I realized that everyone has different online habits. The topic allowed me to gain a deeper understanding and insight about my peers and their personal life. Jerrom pointed out that the factors causing digital differences had different levels of difficulties to overcome. Continue reading →

Reflection: The future is now

I have read several of my classmate’s blog post and learned more about their background and how digital differences affect them. Victoria’s comment on my post about digital differences, really deepened my thinking.  she asked, which factor affects digital differences in people the most? I replied her with an analysis on Singapore. which made me realise that digital differences could be deeply affected by the country of residence, culture and attitude towards technology. Continue reading →

What I’ve Experienced

After spending my weekends reviewing a few of my classmates’ take on the topic of “Digital Differences”, everyone did a great job explaining and sharing their insights. I find that there is a room for improvement for my post as they provided wider point of view from their post. I discovered that most of us have something in common in the ideology and opinion on this particular topic. Continue reading →

The Sea of “Digital Differences”

Having read Helena’s and Yuping’s blog posts, my perspective on digital difference shifted as they provided multiple insightful differences, some of which are ones that I was familiar with and some of which has never crossed my mind. My discussion with them also probed me to think further, where I uncovered even more insights, which ultimately led me to see clearly that in the sea of digital differences, there are too many to count, making them almost infinite. Continue reading →

Digital Differences: More Insights

After perusing the thoughts and insights of my colleagues, I’ve gained a wider perspective of digital differences. The consensus is that being motivated and having the right attitudes can overcome digital differences. I’ve mentioned previously that finding the internet unnecessary is the most common reason for not using it, Alicia highlights how curiosity fuels the desire to learn and that having access to the internet does not translate to fully utilizing its resources. Continue reading →