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Topic 1 2016, Page 6

|Topic 1|“Digital Visitors” and “Digital Residents” #MANG2049

Sitting behind my laptop right now trying to decide if I am a digital visitor or resident myself while attempting to make sense of what I have read up about this topic. Just to start myself(and you) on the right path, I need to emphasise that we should not view “visitors” and “residents” as separate entities but a continuum(David S. White, Alison Le Cornu)(in other words, a continuous series where no part is perceptibly different from the other) instead. Continue reading →

Topic 1: “Digital Visitors” and “Digital Residents”

Marc Prensky (2001) created a typology for internet users that was based on the connection he made between computing competence and age presenting the older generation as handicapped to the younger one (Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants). However, logic and evidence that has built up over the years has challenged his basis of classification and proved the typology to be inaccurate. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Visiting or living there?

Most of us are proficient in technology today, be it computer softwares or mobile apps, they revolve around us for social interactions, information research and entertainment. It is a great convenience at the fingertips and certainly one of the most relied on. With the younger generation, it would seem unbearable to not have their mobiles with them all the time. Continue reading →

Digital Visitors vs Residents: What’s the difference?

Are you a visitor or a resident of the digital world? If you are a digital visitor, it signifies that you are someone who uses technology for a specific purpose and then logs off. (White, 2008) Digital visitors simply do not revolve their lives around the online world, but rather use it as a tool for finding out what they need and leave, be it a Google search, booking air tickets, or even just to stay in contact with a friend overseas. Continue reading →

On the web, “Visitor” or “Resident”?

The short answer would be both for most people. Simply because these two are like two extremes of a scale. On the web, internet users can be classified in a few ways. Thinking in terms of generations, Prensky’s typology of “Digital Natives” and “Digital Immigrants” separates people who grew up with computer technology and people who learn about it in the later part of their lives. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital Residents & Digital Visitors

The Internet has without a doubt, radically changed how the world works. information has never been easier to obtain, friends can be people you have never met and anyone and everyone can have a look into your life without your permission (should you allow it of course) White, D.S., & Cornu, A. L. (2011) has brought up the idea that in this digital age, we can be broadly categorized into Visitors and Residents. Digital visitors are individuals who solely utilize the web when a need arises. Continue reading →

TOPIC 1: Digital Visitors & Residents

Upon using the web, we engage in different online modes depending on our individual motivation and circumstance at the time. The prevalence of social media during the past decade have changed the way we use the web, therefore, the new typology, Visitors and Residents, better describes the wide range of online engagement people engage in when using the web (White and Le Cornu, 2011). The concept of Digital Visitors and Resident is simple and straightforward. Continue reading →

The Digital Age: Residents Vs Visitors

​The modern digital age bestows upon us countless of blessings, from shrinking the world into a few clicks, allowing me to communicate with attractive girls from different continents easily (#blessed), and providing information so vast that anyone could learn about anything literally anywhere with an internet connection. The line between the internet as a tool and a place is increasingly blurred, and I will discuss my take on the concept of digital “visitors” and “residents”. Continue reading →

“Visitors & Residents” VS “Natives & Immigrants” in the Digital World

Having read the articles on digital Visitors and Residents, I do agree more with the concept of digital Visitors and Residents as opposed to Prensky’s typology of digital natives and immigrants, which focuses heavily on age and competence. White and Cornu (2011) states that the model of digital Visitors and Residents is like a continuum and it is influenced by people’s motivation to engage with the Internet. Continue reading →