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Topic 1 2016, Page 5

Reflection time. Topic 1: Visiting or living there?

After reading through Valerie and Brenden’s blog (both links are below), I felt that our posts are largely similar in the way of explaining how digital visitors and residents are, the behaviours and how are the similarities to us. We are probably a little of residents and visitors. I say that because my generation are more of the ‘play outdoors kids’ but with the adoption of technology advancement taken in stages. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary for Topic 1

Prior to this topic, such terms – digital natives/immigrants, digital visitors/residents are pretty much foreign to me. To me, I loosely classify individuals who adopt technology and know their way around the digital world as someone who is technologically savvy while those who are unable to handle and navigate technology as someone who is not savvy with technology. Continue reading →


Few days ago, I had zero knowledge of the concept of digital “residents” and “visitors”. So, firstly, I am proud that I’ve learnt much in such a short period of time. The readings were concise but useful in establishing the fundamental understanding. And even writing a blog post to explain my views! The same goes for another 50 colleagues. This is SO amazing to me. Everyone had different blog designs and their unique way of delivering ideas. Continue reading →

Reflection: TOPIC 1

To be honest, I have never thought to categorise people based on the way the engage the web. I thought it is a pretty interesting topic as these days, we assume everyone is a resident on the web after the invention of Facebook. After reading some of my classmate’s blog post, I realised that the youths are all mostly Residents of the web (it is no surprise). Continue reading →

Topic 1 : Reflective Summary on digital ‘Residents’ and ‘Visitors’

After reading my classmates’ blog post, I have gained deeper insights on the topic of White’s digital residents and visitors. It is indeed very interesting to know about the key characteristics and different perspective on this topic. Most of my peers used White’s theory and relate it to their personal experiences, which really enhanced my learning with specific examples given. Continue reading →

Visitor VS Resident; what am I?

A Digital ‘visitor’ versus a Digital ‘resident’, sounds completely alien to most of us. What am I, and why is this important? Here are the definitions by (, 2016) The ‘Resident’ The resident is an individual who lives a percentage of their life online. The web supports the projection of their identity and facilitates relationships. These are people who have an persona online which they regularly maintain. Continue reading →

‘Only’ digital resident?

Some say that ‘not drinking enough water daily leads to various chronic diseases’ (Medical Daily), yet is it true that ‘drinking too much water is safe for us? ‘ You may question, “how does it relates to the given topic?” Let’s check it out! First of all, let’s look into the concept of digital “visitors” and “residents”. Digital residents are those who deemed digital platforms  as essentials in their lives. Continue reading →

Topic 1: “Digital Visitors” and “Digital Residents”

Have you ever encountered times where you see people with their heads down staring at their phones, being oblivious to their own surroundings? What about times when you are about to tuck into your food but you were stopped by your friend just because he/ she wants to wait for all dishes to be served to take a photo? Welcome to the digital world, where technology and the Internet has influenced the way people interact, connect, act and think in so many different ways. Continue reading →

Topic #1: Digital “visitors” & “residents”

Both Visitors and Residents are used as the way to describe individuals’ commitment to the internet. It should be view as continuum mode of engagement instead of separate identity. Previously, Marc Prensky’s (2001) highlighted the ways of connecting individual computing competencies and age into two categories; digital natives and digital immigrants. Digital natives are people like us, who are fortunately born with the access to technologies such as the internet, phones, computers etc. Continue reading →