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2016, Page 50

Topic 1: “Digital Visitors” and “Digital Residents”

“Digital Visitors”: Individuals who use the Internet as a tool in an organized manner only when the need arises. They always have an appropriate and focused need to use the web but don’t ‘reside’ there. “Digital Residents”: Individuals who live a percentage of their lives online. The web has become a crucial aspect of how they present themselves and how they remain part of networks of friends or colleagues. Continue reading →

What are visitors & residents?

Introduction Marc Prensky(2001) theorized that when it comes to digital consumption, there are 2 types of users. Natives or Immigrants. If one is young enough to have grown up with technology, then he is native to it. These individuals learn how to use technology the same way they are learning their own language. It comes naturally to them. If one is older and did not grow up with access to the web, the way he uses it will be like attempting to speak a second language. Continue reading →

Topic 1 : Digital ‘Visitor’ or Digital ‘Residents’?

Marc Prensky’s (2001) terms of ‘Digital Natives’ and ‘Digital Immigrants’ to identify a person’s online engagement have been largely criticised. Prensky classify people computer competence with age, and see that the new young generation, known, as ‘Digital Natives’ are always highly adaptable with technology, while the ‘older’ generation, known, as ‘Digital Immigrants’ are not adaptable to the digital world. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital “Visitors” and “Residents” #mang2049

From my understanding of the concept of “digital visitors” and “residents”, digital “visitors” are individuals who have a defined goal or task and they will select an appropriate tool to seek information to meet their needs. For example, when I go on Google to search for directions on how to get from my current location to the nearest coffee shop, I will find the information I need online and go offline to execute the task. Continue reading →

Topic 1:Visitors & Residents

Digital technology is playing an ever more central role in the lives of people. Today, I will be blogging about  Digital ‘Visitors’ and ‘Residents’ framework by Dave White. Researchers (doing what they do best) are constantly trying to categorize things and design frameworks. In this particular topic, they categorize the extent of how people use digital technology for serious business(visitors) or for fun(residents). Continue reading →

Review of Live Session 2 – Wednesday

We followed up on the "getting started" discussion in the first session with more information about blog set up, how the topics work, deadlines etc. Don't forget we need your google forms *as soon as possible* please to complete set up of your personal feedback forms. In session 3 (Thursday) we will introduce you to Topic 1 (see separate post). To access the livestream at 3.30pm (Singapore Time) on 3rd November please click here. Don'r forget to keep tweeting those photos... Continue reading →

Topic 1: “Digital Visitors” and “Digital Residents”

The 21st century has seen an increase in the use of digital media such as e-books, social media and websites. The few common examples of social media are like twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn where most of us use to connect with each other. Oxford dictionary theorised digital ‘visitors’ as an individual who uses the web as a tool in an organised manner whenever the need arises. Continue reading →