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Hangouts 2016

Review of #MANG2049 Live Session 14th November

We reminded you not to forget the final task of the module which asks you to reflect on how your own digital profile has developed over the course of the past two weeks. To do this effectively, you will need to refer back to your Self Test, and gather specific evidence to support your discussion of the ways in which your activities/behaviour have changed, and what you plan to focus on in terms of your learning and/or career development going forwards. Continue reading β†’

Review of Live Session 11th November

We discussed the feedback on Topic 3 and warned of the danger of "filter bubbles" when checking the Google ranking for your own name (google it if you weren't listening - especially if you intend to claim in a post that you are top of the search results for your name!) We also encouraged you to experiment with creative tools such as Powtoon and Piktochart going forwards into topics 4 and 5. Continue reading β†’

Review of #Live session 8th November (Tuesday)

In this short session we reminded you to take notice of the feedback we provided yesterday via the two blogposts in the "General Feedback" section, before submitting your topic 2 work. Don't forget your self-assessment and to link DIRECTLY to the comments you've made. You were also encouraged to engage with the UK students on #UOSM2033 via their tweets and module blog. They have just finished topic 2 and will be doing topic 3 over the whole of this weke and next. Continue reading β†’

Review of Live Session 4 (Friday)

We discussed the importance of linking *directly* to the comments you've made on the work of fellow students in your reflective post. PLEASE make sure you do this! We also emphasised the importance of crediting the source of any images you use. See this post for more information and the importance of respecting copyright. When you have finished Topic 1 don't forget to complete the marking grid on your feedback form using YELLOW highlighting. Continue reading β†’

Review of Live Session 2 – Wednesday

We followed up on the "getting started" discussion in the first session with more information about blog set up, how the topics work, deadlines etc. Don't forget we need your google forms *as soon as possible* please to complete set up of your personal feedback forms. In session 3 (Thursday) we will introduce you to Topic 1 (see separate post). To access the livestream at 3.30pm (Singapore Time) on 3rd November please click here. Don'r forget to keep tweeting those photos... Continue reading β†’