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Topic 2 2015, Page 6

Topic 2: Pros and Cons of Multiple Online Identities from a management perspective

The following video explains multiple online identities in a nutshell. Source from: (Credits to: Sophie Pitman 2015, October 23) As stated from the video above, multiple online identities leads to anonymity. A user may have different persona and identities while engaging in online activities such as online banking, dating, gaming and job seeking. On the other hand, single online identity represent authenticity. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Discuss the arguments for and against having more than one online identity.

The following video explains multiple online identities in a nutshell. Source from: (Creator: Sophie Pitman 2015, October 23) As stated from the video above, multiple online identity leads to anonymity. A user may have different persona and identities while engaging in online activities such as online banking, dating, gaming and job seeking. On the other hand, single online identity represent authenticity. Continue reading →

More Of Me? Online Identities

Many people assumeĀ that our online identity is similar/ identical to our real identity, which is not true. So what exactly is an online identity? (Photo Source: EastAndBlog) It is the sum of interactions and characteristics on every website you visit, with each website having its own idea of your identity. This is very much different from your real identity as characteristics you portray in real life can differ greatly from the characteristics portrayed online. Continue reading →

Two identitiesā€¦not a bad idea? Maybe.

In this very modern age, our digital footprints are constantly monitored. As scary as it is, we do not want to admit it: people who we donā€™t even know are watching us. That is terrifying. These ā€˜peopleā€™ range from future employers to criminals. With the growing need to protect our reputation, with the fear of being judged, we resort to creating identities of ourselves on the Internet, which might not be representative of who we actually are. Continue reading →

WHO ARE YOU? ā€“ Topic 2

It is common for people nowadays to have “online identities”. It can be in the form of social media, gaming platforms or your online shopping account. But is having more than one online identity detrimental to us? . . . – Who are you? – Your online identity can be said to be sum of your characteristics and interactions while online (Internet Society, 2011). Everyone interacts differently on the web and uses it forĀ different purposes. Continue reading →

Who am I?

Similar to Corporate Marketing, as individuals we are constantly consciously/subconsciously managing our own brand identities. All of our social media profiles form our unique personal online identities. The adoption of a single online identity refers to the integration of all the individualā€™s existing social media profiles. For example, as seen from above, using the same username for Facebook, Blogs, Instagram and Twitter. Continue reading →

Better to have Multiple Online Identities?

Should one have multiple online identities? Is there a need for more than one identity? Before expressing my views, let us first understand the meaning of online identity. To put it simply, online identity is defined as the reflection of an individualā€™s personality in the digital world. During an interview with David Kirkpatrick, Zuckerberg mentioned that ā€˜having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of integrity,’Ā (Network World, 2014). Continue reading →

Managing Your Multiple Online Identities

Do you have an account for Facebook? For LinkedIn? Zalora? TaoBao? Do you know by using web browser, you leave digital footprints for every click or search you make? Are you aware that, by doing what Iā€™ve mentioned, you have already created countless of Online Identities? ā€¦And this can be a threat if you are not careful of your actions online! Online Identity refers to any characteristics (e.g. Birthdates, Workplace, Shoes size) that we created while interacting with websites. Continue reading →

TOPIC 2: ‘Should Someone have more than one online identity’ #MANG2049 #UOS

Picture source from ​Question: Discuss the arguments for and against having more than one online identity. "The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had."Eric Schmidt(American software engineer, businessman, executive chairman of Alphabet Inc. Ranked 138th-richest person in the world by Forbes. Continue reading →