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2015, Page 38

Yes or No to Multiple Online Identities?

Source : Before we discuss on the advantage and disadvantage of having more than one online identity, let me tell you what online identity is. Online identity is a collective of characteristics infer based on your digital footprint. For example, Zalora will make judgement on your characteristics and form an online identity for you based on the items you buy or browse. Continue reading →

Should One Have More Than One Online Identity?

What is an Online Identity? An online identity is made up of multiple partial identities that uniquely defines an individual. The partial identities of an individual may be formed intentionally – based on characteristics or demographics disclosed personally by themselves, or unintentionally – based on personal web movements and activities. Continue reading →

Topic 2 – Managing your online identity

Demographic changes, technological advances and globalisation have given rise to the importance of having an online identity in this current business environment. Having an online identity is like having an online persona that is made visible through selective sharing of information online on social media platforms such as Facebook profile. With so many social media platforms, it is easy to create more than one online identity. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Managing multiple online identities

(Credit: Google Images)  Online identity accredit to the assembling of information about an individual over the web which is different from the real-world identity. This online identity can be constructed consciously or sub-consciously – Established by the individual themselves by succumbing to social networks or generated using identifier which depicts partial identities about a person. Actually, a person doesn’t decide how many identities he/she has over the web. Continue reading →

Multiple Online Identities

I have always considered the ability to have multiple online identities as a useful tool in life. It allows me to practice selective online branding, a skill which I am certain is crucial in this ever changing online world, where everything we do is monitored and the shroud of anonymity is slowly wearing off. Benefits of having multiple online identities With regards in managing online identities, one can easily create a separate and new entity for themselves to serve a specific purpose. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary (Topic 1)

Comment 1 – Guo Yixin Comment 2 – Easter Lim After looking through my post and those of Yixin and Easter, I realised that mine appears to be rather lacking in personal views and input. My writing style seems to be very formal and academic. In such a medium(Blog), it is perhaps better suited to the usage of a more informal writing. From their post, I’ve also come to see “Residents” differently. Continue reading →

Reflection on Topic 1

After reading and reviewing blogs written by my classmates, I realised that majority of them, including myself, are neither “Visitors” nor “Residents”, but “In-betweens”. There are also a handful who are Digital Residents and a small number that claimed to be Digital Visitors. Marc Prensky’s ‘Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants’ categorises individuals based on their age. Continue reading →