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2015, Page 33

Topic 2 – Reflective Summary

After reading my classmates’ posts and watching videos provided gave me a better understanding on the pros and cons for having multiple identities online. And some have very different perspective on having one online identity to the question which got me thinking more into their approach. To see myself becoming a marketeer in the future after my degree, having multiple identities can be an advantage if i make full use of my multiple identities wisely. Continue reading →

Topic 2 – Reflective Summary

From reading Kai Yuan’s wordpress post on online identities, I have learnt that cookies are used to keep track of what internet users does on the internet. By using the same browser for different profiles, companies or individuals may still be able to trace your footprints on the web. It is definitely more accurate and cost savings to marketers in targeting consumers, with the help of cookies, in personalizing and customizing various advertisements to different people. Continue reading →

Topic 2 – Reflective Summary & Comments

Gif taken from Giphy Reading through my classmates’ post on for or against having multiple online identities is quite insightful. It allows me to ponder through whether if it is really a good thing or a bad thing. At the end of the topic, it really drills down to how you classify yourself online as to what purpose it brings to. Shannon commented on my post about how multiple online identities is a norm. Continue reading →

In a Nutshell – Multiple Online Identities, Yes or No?

Before I started on this topic, I’ve never thought about this question seriously. Neither did I know that this can relate to several issues, and in the world of marketers. After reading my classmates’ posts, it seems that privacy is a major concern to having multiple online identities. In Vanna’s blog post, she stated that she believes having multiple identities is better due to privacy. And I agree with her. However, it hits me that nothing you post online is really private. Continue reading →

Review: The Online Identity, or Identities?

Reading through the blogs, I realised that there were many different views as to having one or more online identities. While there are no right or wrong viewpoints, judgement should be based on the individual’s motivation. Calanthea’s post has tweaked my stand to see another good in multiple identities. She brought up that having multiple identities (e.g. a private second Instagram account) could be meaningful. It helped her friend; living in UK, foster a more intimate bond with Calanthea. Continue reading →

Review on Topic 2: Online Identity

After reading Joey’s post, I’m really happy that I have different online identities to distinguish between my private and professional life. Joey’s blog has given me a better comprehension of how 91% of employers use social networking sites to screen prospective employees, and more than 34% of these prospects were dropped during the process of employers looking at their personal profile pages such as Facebook. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflective Summary

In my post, I elaborated about the pros and cons of having one identity or multiple identities respectively. Another insight that I outlined the difference (or absence of) between online and offline identities. For me, the most significant aspect of this topic was having a choice in different situations. The benefits of having multiple identities outweigh that of having just one. Continue reading →

Review: Online Identity. How many? One, Two, Three???

This topic was something that I could relate to as I myself hold various online identities due to the clash of interest with certain social groups that I associate with. Reading Nicholas’s post, we discuss how it is tiring to maintain multiple online identities, and we have come to agree that being online, we would never be able to be ourselves if we wish to upkeep a professional image. Continue reading →

Review on topic 2 online identity and online identities..

Sometimes hiding behind a online identity, people are more vocal than real life because with a fake identity they can be whoever they want. After reading more about online identity in my classmate’s blog, I feel that there are points that I am lacking which they brought up. One of those is able to discuss issues online through multiple online identities. In luna’s post, she stated that users are able to participate in forums without disclosing personal information. Continue reading →