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2015, Page 22

Topic 3 – Reflective Summary

Initially, I wanted to cover all the steps or criteria on how to develop an authentic professional online profile but I soon realise it was unrealistic to fit all in under the word count. I had quite some difficulties doing this topic because it was very much interlinked with topic 2. There are many information overlapping and I find it hard to properly sort out my thoughts. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

Realised I missed out a lot of points after reading the blog posts by my classmates...In my post, I only focused mostly on what to include in the online profile but missed out on how to make it attractive. I came across Jasmine's blog post and the video on "How to keep your social media attractive to employers", it stated that one way is to be strategic with whom you allow in your network. I can use social media to make connections and interact with professionals. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

Realised I missed out a lot of points after reading the blog posts by my classmates...In my post, I only focused mostly on what to include in the online profile but missed out on how to make it attractive. I came across Jasmine's blog post and the video on "How to keep your social media attractive to employers", it stated that one way is to be strategic with whom you allow in your network. I can use social media to make connections and interact with professionals. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflective Summary 

   Image source: I feel that after having read through articles, blog posts and watching videos about developing an authentic online professional profile, I feel that this has made me greatly understand why it is so important and so much emphasis is placed on this. Continue reading →

Topic 3: What have I learned?

I mentioned before that I was a Digital Visitor in Work aspect, now I’ve come to realization that I must adapt and be a Digital Resident to have a competitive advantage. I’ve learn a variety of ways to make Professional Online Profile authentic and attractive. Apart from things that I mentioned in my last post, I’m aware that authenticity and being true to yourself isn’t enough. Continue reading →

Review: What Do You Mean
 A Professional Online Profile?

To own a professional online profile is almost de rigueur1 in the digital age. As I read other blogs, I gathered that the use of social media to present yourself is widely advocated for. LinkedIn, especially, is put on a pedestal, when it comes to its potential for getting people hired. The subject of relevance though, is a debatable one. Jue Yin, in her interesting guide for an online profile, mentioned ‘relevance’ as a step in creating a professional profile. Continue reading →

Topic 3 – Reflective Summary & Comments

Taken from The Art of Looking Good via Google  Looking back into the past, since when does recruiter goes online to search for employee? Shouldn’t it be prospective employee looking for them instead? I guess the era has change. This has prompted me to understand that technology has changed the way people ae finding job because of the different types of online media that are catered to our needs. However, it is not as easy as ABC by following what the online media tells us to do. Continue reading →

Adding onto how professional is professional? (Reflection)

Source: Giphy Online professional profile is actually a big topic to be further branched out into – what should be included in our profiles, who should our target audience be, where would be a good online platform, how to improvise on our profiles, etc. Looking back at Wei Jie’s comment, it makes me ponder on the idea of Consistency and Professionalism. To give a professional and reliable image to employers, one should always be consistent in conveying his/her message. Continue reading →