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Topic 4

Topic 4 reflection

Photo credit: There seems to be a whole suite of ethical issues raised in educational or business context use of social media. In particular, some of the business uses of social media have raised questions regarding the use of solicited endorsements via social media platforms. Consumers clearly do not like to be kept in the dark, and companies need to be responsible in boldly declaring their true intentions behind some of these marketing tactics. Continue reading →

Is Empathy becoming extinct?

Honestly, I had some trouble trying to link ethics to a fairytale as everyone’s stand on ethics may differ. Until… I realised that I have been looking for the wrong person. Instead of the main characters, I should to look at the less-noticed characters. Familiar? I doubt so. He is Maurice, Belle’s father. Belle from Beauty and the Beast. In the story, Maurice was lost and making his way through the forest when he chanced upon Beast’s castle. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Ethical issues raised by educational OR business use of social media

Photo credit: MDO Partners There are many ethical issues raised by business use of social media these days. I would like to highlight two of the following: Solicited endorsements One ethical issue in the context of business use of social media is that of solicited endorsements. One example in case was products manufacturer Belkin, which, was caught for paying people to leave positive reviews on their products via Amazon (Arthur, 2014). Continue reading →

Topic 4: Reflective Summary

I wrote a post on ethical issues raised by educational use of social media and I realised that most of my classmates wrote about the businesses use so I will do a summary based on both. REPUTATION. This is very important. In terms of education and even for businesses, the Internet is the access to anything and by uploading anything negative, reputation is at stake. For schools, teachers and students are the representatives and their actions online determine the reputation of the school. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Reflective Summary

Unethical behaviors on social media can divides into several different kind, like paid tweets, impersonate other people, employees posting affects company’s image and so on. Paid tweets need to consider the person’s motivation behind it, some companies hire people to act as customers to tweet, some celebrities help build new brand awareness. Identity thefts like to impersonate others, we can mark these account red flag and report them. Continue reading →

It’s really vague. Isn’t it?

Image by whisper-star. Social media is so powerful that it could be both beneficial and harmful to business and educational practices. My course mates and I had provided our own insights by looking into the ethical issues it caused. In my opinion, the most meaningful learning arose when Charmaine questioned me for a standard method to be taken by an institution when the employees behaved negatively online. Continue reading →

Responsibility & Education

Short Summary of the Ethical Issues Raised I have created a Prezi Slides to show an overview about Topic 4 since there are so many interesting issues that one can talk about! Click here to take a look! It was enjoyable to read about different issues blogged by my peers. Continue reading →