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2014, Page 31

Reflective Summary for Topic 1: “Visitors” and “Residents”

After reading some of my classmates’ blogs, I found out that some of them have similar online behaviors like me. However for some cases, agreements and disagreements were voiced out but it is okay because this is where learning takes place. In my opinion, there are no right or wrong perspectives in the different concepts that we individuals have about digital “Visitors” and “Residents”. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflection

After reading through my classmate’s post and commenting on Rachel and Tor’s post. I realised that we all have similar ideas with regards to the concept of Digital “Visitors” and “Residents”. What I’ve learn thus far is that many people are digital residents. Most of us interact with the world through social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. However some, like Rachel, feels that they belong to the happy middle. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary: Topic 1

Prior to this module, i have no clue of what Digital Resident/Visitors meant. I realize how important technology plays a part in our lives regardless of age, background etc. It sets me thinking about which one i belongs to. I guess it is difficult to classify ourselves in either one. The interesting fact is that upon reading some of the posts by my fellow friends, most of them share the same sentiments. Continue reading →

Topic 1 Reflective Summary

Many of my classmates mentioned the fundamental differences between what classifies a digital visitor and a digital resident. Two of them in particular shared interesting points that got me thinking about some other ideas that may never have crossed my mind. Isaac got me thinking about whether the visitor resident mapping process is helpful in a business/marketing context. Continue reading →

Key Takeaways : Are you a “visitor” or a “resident”?

So what exactly did I gain from this topic? Well, looking through several blogs and comments, it definitely got me thinking A LOT. It was definitely fun and intriguing to read through others’ posts and it almost felt like a mini debate as everyone had their own viewpoint as to who is considered a visitor or a resident. Reading through Ruhuan’s post, I find the concept of “Both digital visitor and resident are not exactly mutually exclusive. Continue reading →

1.0 A Reflection Summary : Digital Visitors VS Residents

Given a topic that I have no clue at all, the terms ‘Native’ and ‘Immigrants’, ‘Visitors’ and ‘Residents’ sounded real fascinating to me. How can one apply such adjectives onto a digital world? With much research and readings done online, I came to realize that the development of Prensky’s typology by White makes more sense and is not skewed towards being biased. Continue reading →

So what now.

“What are digital residents and digital visitors?” I asked myself. After reading and understanding a few articles, I thought we could define digital “residents” and digital “visitors” mainly by their online duration, online purpose and online appearance. Then, I came across with Sherdale’s blog and was attracted to her analysis regarding the impacts exerted by different generations on the digital “residents” and “visitors” ratio. Continue reading →

Digital “Visitors” or “Residents”?

Digital “Visitors” Visitors are web users who uses the Internet as a tool to search certain information they require and would go offline spending their remaining time. Like the word itself says, visitors come and go, they don’t stay. This simply means from the moment they uses the Internet till the moment they exit, these ‘individuals do not leave any social trace online.’ (White, D.S. Continue reading →


If you were to ask me if I am a digital native or an immigrant, I would tell you that I am the latter; and I say so despite having read Prenzsky’s article in 2001 which narrowly defines me as a digital native – “a person born in the digital age” – after the PC revolution I would presume, or perhaps after the demise of the typewriter. Continue reading →