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2014, Page 16

Nooooooo!! My brand new shirt has holes in it!

Credits: Stephanie Mcmillan There are so many ethical issues out there regarding social media. Many of them come from the ignorance of the people using social media itself – us. How often do we really consider the consequences of what happens after we press the share button? The internet live stats website actually has a live counter that shows us the total number of internet users in the world (currently at about 3 billion) and how it is still constantly increasing by the minute. Continue reading →

How Do You Behave On The Internet?

Credits: In a world where we have the freedom of speech and the control over our own social networks, it is very easy for us to fall into the pit hole of living in the world of itself. Therefore, it is of great importance for us to know some of the ethical issues that are raised by the social media. In my post, I will be focusing on the ethical issues raised by the educational use of social media. One of the ethical issues that has gotten my attention is social bashing. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Social Media & Ethical Issues

Question: Discuss ONE of the ethical issues raised by educational OR business use of social media that you consider to be particularly significant. Taken from: Tumblr With its ability to reach millions of customers at the same time, social media has given the users the ability to make informed purchasing choices through reviews and forums. But it’s rapid rise to popularity has seen marketers scrambling to either keep up or get out. Continue reading →

It’s NOT solely social media’s responsibility. It’s OURS too.

Photo Credits: Castabiggernet Needless to say, everyone can see the importance of social media to business right? Marketing. Recruitment. Public Relations. Promotions.. But ‘As trust is the priced currency of social media, ethical lapses or oversights can be deadly for brands.’ (David Vinjamuri, 2011) In an IBE survey of large companies, 6/7 respondents identified integrity risk as the main ethical challenge with regard to social media. Continue reading →

Ehtical Challenge: Intergrity Risk

Image: Source Social media websites allow everyone to share their ideas and opinions with a wide range of audience. Simple and convenient. As such, many companies are making use of these sites for business purpose as well. It blurred the boudaries between personal and work life and many employees are accessing these personal sites at work. A survey found out that social media is used for personal and work related activities by 95% of employees. Continue reading →

“THE IMPORTANCE OF ONLINE AUTHENTICITY (Told From A Political Perspective)” – Reflective Summary on Topic 3

After reading many of classmates’ posts on the need of having an authentic identity on the internet, I cannot help but to agree with most of them. Among the arguments that were put forth, I especially like the arguments of Charmaine and Simon. Simon’s point on honesty being the best policy resonated strongly with my point on the need to be yourself and not be a fake, as an impersonator will eventually be exposed as a fraud. Continue reading →

We are all Mulan-s.

Mulan represents the dilemma that we all face in the development of our professional digital profile. Who we are inside VS. What we portray to the world. If you watched the movie, you would know that throughout her entire journey, she remained true to her purpose even when she had to portray a completely different image to the world. To me, that is authenticity. Continue reading →

Reflection on Topic 3 : Building an Authentic Professional Profile

This is by far the most interesting topic to date as i got to know people different opinions on what contributes to be authentic. Sara and charmaine pointed out self-branding as the KEY to market yourself to future employers and the need for social interaction with your target audience (future employer, clients, investor). Sara was right in saying we must be proactive in promoting ourselves. I shared a link with her which teaches on how to buildup network which I thought I can share HERE. Continue reading →

Topic 4: ethical debates

Please read these notes and check out the links below, before preparing and posting your answer to the set question. This document should be regarded as just the start of the discussion, which are then developed through the conversations themselves and the sharing of further relevant links. These articles are intended to give you a flavour of the topic, and get you started on answering the Topic 4 set question below. Continue reading →