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2014, Page 11

Reflective Summary on the Ethical Implications of Social Media Use

                                             Credits: Netanimations (My reflective summary) Out of the 4 topics we have done so far, I particularly found Topic 4 the most challenging one. Social media was recognized as a temporary yet powerful fad but it was clear that if used irresponsibly it would have significant backlash. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Reflective Summary

I wrote a post on ethical issues raised by educational use of social media and I realised that most of my classmates wrote about the businesses use so I will do a summary based on both. REPUTATION. This is very important. In terms of education and even for businesses, the Internet is the access to anything and by uploading anything negative, reputation is at stake. For schools, teachers and students are the representatives and their actions online determine the reputation of the school. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Reflective Summary

Unethical behaviors on social media can divides into several different kind, like paid tweets, impersonate other people, employees posting affects company’s image and so on. Paid tweets need to consider the person’s motivation behind it, some companies hire people to act as customers to tweet, some celebrities help build new brand awareness. Identity thefts like to impersonate others, we can mark these account red flag and report them. Continue reading →

It’s really vague. Isn’t it?

Image by whisper-star. Social media is so powerful that it could be both beneficial and harmful to business and educational practices. My course mates and I had provided our own insights by looking into the ethical issues it caused. In my opinion, the most meaningful learning arose when Charmaine questioned me for a standard method to be taken by an institution when the employees behaved negatively online. Continue reading →

Responsibility & Education

Short Summary of the Ethical Issues Raised I have created a Prezi Slides to show an overview about Topic 4 since there are so many interesting issues that one can talk about! Click here to take a look! It was enjoyable to read about different issues blogged by my peers. Continue reading →

Divulgence of ethics

The ethical issues that were discussed by my peers covered a broad spectrum of the topic. As we diverged our thoughts in two different perspectives mainly education and business use of social media, it was clear this subject was a divulgence of the ethical aspect of the “medium” that we are exposed to every single day. As I took on a business perspective of the subject, I was intrigued by some of the insightful thoughts of my peers. Continue reading →

Is there a better solution?

Initially, social media platforms were created with the idea of providing a place for one to voice their opinions and ideas on the web. However, in today’s world, these platforms are not just purely for one to share their opinions and ideas. Many start to abuse the uses like posting negative comments on the web which affects the reputation of an individual or even a company. Continue reading →