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Final Reflection for #MANG2049

I picked the cover image because I feel that like computers, learning is also ever evolving. In fact, as technology evolves, our learning methods evolves as well. I absolutely agree with the saying “time flies”, considering how #MANG2049 is already coming to an end. #MANG2049 is an interesting module for me as it is a whole module done by e-learning.  E-learning: A learning system based on formalised teaching but with the help of electronic resources is known as E–learning. Continue reading →

Reflection: Topic 1 – The impact of digital differences on our learning

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” ― Dr. Seuss Reading my classmate’s posts on their thoughts and take on digital differences furthered and broadened my thoughts on the topic. I agree with the rest, that we should count our blessings to have easy access to the web, allowing us to learn better at our convenience. Continue reading →

Digital differences and me

What is the impact of digital differences on how you interact with the web? In this time and age, being on the web is almost second nature. School, work and social life involves the digital world in one way or another. Schools in Singapore conduct “e-learning day” where student stay home and learn through student portals. People mention and tag each other on social media instead of privately sending text messages. Continue reading →

Who are you? Digital resident or digital visitor?

Do you know your role in the digital world? According to (Jisc, 2014), a digital resident goes “online to connect to, or to be with, other people. This mode is about social presence.” A digital resident also “has a certain degree of social visibility: for example, posting to the wall in Facebook, tweeting, blogging, or posting comments on blogs. This type of online behaviour leaves a persistent social trace“. Continue reading →

Tea time with Xin

Hello! Welcome to my site I am a student writer from a little sunny Island in Asia called Singapore. Though this island may be little, it is a multi-racial society with approximately 5.6 million earthlings! I am currently pursuing a degree in Marketing, with the University of Southampton. Before this I completed a Diploma in Mass Communication. Continue reading →

Purpose of xinontheweb

For the next four weeks, the class will be living and working on the web for #MANG2049. Taking into consideration the substantial amount of time we spend online daily (be it surfing or shopping), this module would definitely be interesting. In this blog, I will be penning down my learning, thoughts and opinions (read: constructive criticism). Please enjoy reading this blog. Take the content with an open heart, open mind and some critical thinking (I can also be found on Twitter @xinontheweb. Continue reading →