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Final Assessed Post : The Journey

After 12 Lessons of Living and Working on the web (MANG2049) , the amount of new knowledge learnt and insight found was incredible. First of all, this was a whole new online experience that I ever had. I must admit, I have my doubts when I first heard about how lessons and discussions will function over the web but after the use of Google Hangout/Livestream and WordPress, they have erased my doubts. This module was one of the most enjoyable I ever had. Continue reading →

Reflection : Topic 5

Initially on my blog post, I have shared about the advantages and disadvantages of Open Access under the category of publication. However, as mentioned previously at my post , Open Access content does not just revolve around articles and books for researchers but it involves the stuff that we use in our daily life as well. Through the readings that have been shared by my classmates, I found out that there are much more different examples of content creation. Continue reading →

Reflection : Topic 4

In my opinion, I find the topic of Social Media Ethics to be very vague and broad. After reading through the blogs and comments of my classmates I realised there are a lot of different issues under the big umbrella of Social Media Ethics. Below shows the summary of new insights I have gained from reading Wendy’s and Xinlin‘s Blog. In addition, the use of media manipulation in conjunction with integrity risk serves as a double edge sword. Continue reading →

Reflection: Topic 3

  Source : Image edited by me   After reading the insights shared by my classmates on how to manage your digital profile , I realized there are certainly points that I have missed and vice versa. Through reading and commenting on the blogs, I have gained a lot of new information and perspectives as compared to my initial understanding of the topic. Particularly, I love the way how Teresa organized and express her views on the topic. Continue reading →

Reflection: Topic 2

Source: Photo taken by me Without our skin and personalities, we are all bones just like everyone else. Just like how we have multiple online identities to show and cover ourselves to be different online. After reading various blogs of my classmates on online identities, most of us agree on having multiple online identities to differentiate ourselves between work and life. Continue reading →

Topic 2 : Online Identity, One or Many?

 “Remember to like the company’s Facebook page!” Have this ever occurred to you after an interview or when your boss asked for your social media accounts and you frantically delete all your tag photos with you partying around and having a wild night or create a separate social media account just for business purposes to hide your unethical behaviors from your potential bosses or client? Such instances will make you question yourself, do i need more than one online... Continue reading →


Reflection time. Prior to this module and topic of digital resident and visitor, i used to have thoughts that only social influencers have the ability to share their lavish and vibrant lifestyles over the web. Neither would i know that actually everyone of us are who sharing our life and stories over the web would be doing the job of being a digital resident. Continue reading →