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Reflection: TOPIC 1

To be honest, I have never thought to categorise people based on the way the engage the web. I thought it is a pretty interesting topic as these days, we assume everyone is a resident on the web after the invention of Facebook. After reading some of my classmate’s blog post, I realised that the youths are all mostly Residents of the web (it is no surprise). Continue reading →

TOPIC 1: Digital Visitors & Residents

Upon using the web, we engage in different online modes depending on our individual motivation and circumstance at the time. The prevalence of social media during the past decade have changed the way we use the web, therefore, the new typology, Visitors and Residents, better describes the wide range of online engagement people engage in when using the web (White and Le Cornu, 2011). The concept of Digital Visitors and Resident is simple and straightforward. Continue reading →