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|Topic 1|“Digital Visitors” and “Digital Residents” #MANG2049

Sitting behind my laptop right now trying to decide if I am a digital visitor or resident myself while attempting to make sense of what I have read up about this topic. Just to start myself(and you) on the right path, I need to emphasise that we should not view “visitors” and “residents” as separate entities but a continuum(David S. White, Alison Le Cornu)(in other words, a continuous series where no part is perceptibly different from the other) instead. Continue reading →

Hi There!

Accurate ^. Have yet to officially start on this module and I like it already. Why travel one and a half hours to go to school when you can lie in bed and listen to your lectures and discussions? And did someone say no exams???? Looking forward to engaging with my classmates and lecturers from the United Kingdoms. Its time to be more pro-active guys. I take that as my challenge in the next 24 days. We can do it!   (Picture Credit: http://pictify.saatchigallery. Continue reading →