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Digital Wonderland.

As we marked a closure to ‘Living on the Web’, this is simply like a wonderland to me, I am impressed by the amount of digital content I learnt about. Considering myself as a Digital Resident, I was very much an ardent user on the Internet for mostly personal and social interactions. Fortunately, with the guide and development of this module, I understand that the Internet has more to offer, giving me an opportunity to develop my online portfolio for employability purposes in future. Continue reading →

5.0 My Last Reflection Summary: Utopian Dream or Unstoppable Force?

So…. Utopian Dream or Unstoppable Force? This topic was rather new to me at first, getting to know that such free content and information online is known as ‘Open Access’. Having read many blogs by my peers, it is rather obvious that many of us have the same view on free, open access to contents online. I would like to point out to Novina’s and Patricia’s post where they heavily emphasise on the monetary cost of paying online information. Continue reading →

5.0 Utopian Dream or Unstoppable Force?

(Photo Credit: Forbes) It is well-known that the Internet has opened many possibilities to share information as well as opinions online. It t is a superb channel for the free distribution of information in thepublic domain- Open Access. In today’s topic, we will primarily focus on Education sector because I presume different industry has significantly different advantages and disadvantages. Now.. Continue reading →

4.0 A Reflection Summary: Ethical Issues raised by Business or Educational Use of Social Media

This discussion topic was rather eye-opening to me with many different posts from my peers from different perspective. Since I have shared my discussion on Business use, I would like to reflect about Educational use of social media issues. I personally feel that all of the information shared among each other is enriching but I would like to further emphasize on Sylvia’s and Ian’s post where they mentioned about Cyber-Bullying. Continue reading →

3.0 A Reflection Summary: Building Your Professional Digital Profile

This topic has got me thinking on my feet on how to make my digital profile better and more attractive for employers. It has spurred me to think further on how to market myself with “authenticity”. A big take away from this topic is the use of a LinkedIn account. I personally do not own a LinkedIn because I feel that I do not need it much now and its a hassle to create a profile. Continue reading →

2.0 A Reflection Summary : One or more Online Identities?

I have enjoyed reading most of my peers’ blog post and it somehow changes my perception at the beginning… From Evan’s post, he mentioned about security issues which brings me back to the question I posted for him. Does security question helps in online verification? According to a report by Rosen, R.J., 2012, Security Questions were ‘The Biggest Joke’ in Online Identity Verification. Well… Apple was the Joke. Continue reading →

2.0 One or More Online Identities?

“Having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of integrity.” (Zuckerberg, 2010) Wow. And I thought this was one of the craziest thing I read. Digital Identity is how people choose to represent themselves in the digital space. It is like a mirror-image of you in the virtual world, like a digital mirror. It is not totally ‘you’, but it is ‘you’. Continue reading →

1.0 A Reflection Summary : Digital Visitors VS Residents

Given a topic that I have no clue at all, the terms ‘Native’ and ‘Immigrants’, ‘Visitors’ and ‘Residents’ sounded real fascinating to me. How can one apply such adjectives onto a digital world? With much research and readings done online, I came to realize that the development of Prensky’s typology by White makes more sense and is not skewed towards being biased. Continue reading →