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Looking back at New Beginnings

Hi there! Welcome back! I can’t believe this module is coming to an end and I must say that I have gained a lot of knowledge and fresh insights along the way. Firstly, let’s take a look at my digital profile to see how much I have changed! Source: Kua Siew Min Through the three different topics that were given to us, I was able to exhibit the above factors effectively.  Creating Online Materials I was introduced to “PowToon” where I created my own animated videos. Continue reading →

Reflections: The Real Us

Hi there! Welcome back to my blog. Let us take a look at a summary video I made of the “Online Identities” as well as some thoughts that my classmates had expressed through their posts. Click to view slideshow. The above is a short slide show that consists of my social media accounts. Of course, the last one would be my LinkedIn profile that is made public for employers to view my resume and CV. Continue reading →

Reflection: The Truth about the Fake.

Source: Kua Siew Min I hope you’ve enjoyed my summary video above, test yourself with the puzzle below before we move into my reflection on this topic! Answers are at the bottom of this article Source: Kua Siew Min -REFLECTION- Ying Zhen’s post had a statement which I found rather alarming. “In a poll of 1600 Singapore Residents, it is reported that 75% of respondents come across fake news occasionally with only half of the respondents confident of recognizing fake news. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Evaluating information quality

Hi there! While technology brings a lot of convenience and good to us, it definitely has also brought some “bad”. Like what people always say, “There are two sides to a coin”. In the past, we only have a few places where we get our information from. Let’s take “News” as an example. We used to wait for the TV broadcast at the same time every night or wait for the newspapers from that few news outlets to be delivered to us. But now, we have the internet. Continue reading →

Reflection: My Final Thoughts on Digital Differences

A video on the main factors that cause digital differences in the world. Source: Kua Siew Min   Hello world, welcome back to my blog! I hope you enjoyed the summary video above. The content came from my personal research and discussions with my classmates! So if you read my previous post, you would have known that I spoke a lot but how age is a factor that is causing digital differences. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital Differences

Over the years, the number of internet users grew worldwide. This can be seen from the graph in Figure 1. Figure 1.1: Internet users in the world, 1993-2014 Fig 1.2: Activities per minute by internet users However, as the numbers increase, there are still people out there who are not exactly contributing to the rise. They are people who are “affected” by factors like age, gender or amount of education received. Continue reading →

Intro Post: Digital Residents vs Digital Visitors?

For many of us, this is the first time we ever come across these words, “Digital Residents”  and “Digital Residents” – me included. After doing some research, I realised that these words are very relevant and are useful descriptive phrases to our society nowadays. Who are Digital Residents? They are people who “stay” on the web, who leave visible traces, for example, posting tweets, pictures etc. on social media and forums. Continue reading →