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Review: Are you visiting or residing?

This topic has been really an interesting one. From the start, I have never actually heard of the term Digital Visitor and Digital Residents. It was really interesting to know from my research that the term has been around for awhile now. Also, after reading my friends blog, it has really open up to me on how I could have approached this topic in a different point of view. Continue reading →

Digital: Are you visiting or residing?

In this 21st century, technology has become a norm for almost everyone. When you go out on the streets, majority of the public could be spotted holding a smartphone that allows them to connect to the digital easily. If you step into Starbucks or other cafes, you can spot many people busily tapping away on their laptops. There is actually two different category that groups the different types of people who uses technology. Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants. Continue reading →

Self Test #MANG2049

Accessing, managing and evaluating online information: 2/5 There was always a saying telling me now to trust what is on the Internet, because anyone could just upload a piece of information and it would spread like wildfire even before anyone has verified the validity of it. It has been hard for me to tell what is true and false on the Internet. Continue reading →