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Reflection: Social media can make or break your business

Someecards This topic has given me insights to ethical issues of business and education with regards to the use of social media. Several classmates have my drawn attention to the what they think are the most significant ethical issues. Both Khai and Isaac shared pretty much the same idea about companies leveraging on incidences of others to gain publicity. My takeaways and learning points from their post is that companies need to practice good judgement as there are many grey areas. Continue reading →

Social media can make or break your business

In this technologically-driven world, the “National Business Ethics Survey of Social Networkers” found that three out of four social networkers spend time on these platforms while at work, and 28 percent spend an hour or more on social networks each day (Bascuas, K. 2013). It is almost impossible to stop employees from using social media whilst at work. Continue reading →

Reflection: Personal Branding — your career insurance.

ResumĂ© from Giphy I am so glad to have read through my peer’s blog about developing an authentic digital profile, the tips given were very helpful! In my opinion, what defines an authentic online profile would be personal branding. Winnie commented that personal branding on social media platform can only do so much for us. Nobody can see us behind the computer screen, it’s easy for us to ‘talk the talk’ online. Continue reading →

Personal Branding – your career insurance!

University graduates What are the odds of you securing an interview and getting a job? How do you stand out from the multitude of University graduates – by decorating your mortarboards with ‘Hire Me’ (just like the photo above)? Nice try, he’d earn some brownie points for effort. “The Evolution of Finding Candidates.” This infographic by Hireology showed how recruitment and selection evolved overtime – now we’re at the digital era. Continue reading →

Reflection: Identity Crisis in Cyberspace

Security camera from giphy Finally a topic where we are able to present contrasting opinions! I’d like to highlight Evan’s use of The Little Red Riding Hood analogy. It holds true for the digital age we are in today where all of us have the liberty to take on any form online – real identity or anonymous identity where each has their own implications. Continue reading →

Identity crisis in cyberspace

Image from Theguardian The growing importance of having an online persona is due to the rapid increase in social media. Just how real are we on the virtual world? What exactly is real and how do you know what’s real – that’s questionable. The veil that surrounds each individual is what makes it alluring, we do not know for sure what we see is who the person truly is. Continue reading →

Reflection: Digital Visitors & Digital Resident

Two words: Mind blown. I bet you are too. Before reading about Prensky’s and White’s theories about Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants, Digital Visitors and Digital Residents, I had no clue that we as digital users of the web are labelled as such. Subsequent research the topic and discussion with my peers has given me greater insight and understanding of the model to better reflect on where we stand in this digital space. Continue reading →