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Topic 6 – Wrapping Up

The idea of ‘living’ on the web, eluded me. How does one ‘live’ on the web, exactly? I took to Google for better understanding, and Oxford Dictionaries states to ‘live’ as to make one’s home in a particular place. (Image created by me) If I had a second home, the web would definitely be it. I had unknowingly assumed Digital Residency, albeit reclusive at times. Continue reading →

Topic 5 – Reflection

For my own research, I had separated the concept of Open Access (OA) from “making of materials freely available online”, and further expounded on OA in the aspect of education and the latter in business. In many ways, my classmates have supplemented my understanding of OA, and aided in my belief that OA is the way to go. The need to question credibility of sources Dayna’s comment on my post exposed me to unethical spoof journalling that occurred due to the lack of quality control in OA. Continue reading →

Topic 5 – Open Access to Online Content

Ever let out a disgruntled sigh when you painstakingly sourced the perfect article, only to hit a wall when the download button reads “View Full PDF for $99.99”? (Credit: Giphy) What is Open Access (OA)? The concept of OA, can be defined by these two components: (Image created by me, Credit: Piled Higher And Deeper, 2012) Essentially, OA removes all barriers currently necessary to gain entry to research articles, such as price or permission. Continue reading →

Topic 4 – Reflection

(Image created by me) The array of issues that arise with the use of social media for education and businesses significantly challenges the ethics of a digitally connected world. Ethics (or lack thereof) in social media marketing Of the many discussions raised, I took particular interest to the issues surfaced through social media marketing. Continue reading →

Topic 4 – Ethics in Social Media

(Image created by me) More often that not people rely on the web to gather knowledge for both personal and institution-based learning. 81.3% of Singapore’s population are Internet users, whereas in Africa, only 9.3% (Source). To put things in perspective, Africa counts for 16.2% of the world’s population, and Singapore, about 0.08% (Source). Continue reading →

Topic 3 – Reflection

(Image by me) The bulk of us at #MANG2049 have probably engaged in a large scale “purge” of unwanted posts on our social media profiles last night, after the stream of knowledge on how to “brand” ourselves positively online. After bloghopping, I have come to the conclusion that being authentic in one’s digital professional profile means to include nuggets revealing one’s personality, interspersed with KSAs. Continue reading →

Topic 3 – Developing Authentic Professional Profiles

(Image created by me) The phrase “cut through the clutter”, commonly used in advertising, is apt in reference to making one’s digital professional profile stand out amongst the sea of talent online. (Credit: Statista/Numbers of LinkedIn members from 1st quarter 2009 to 2nd quarter 2016 (in millions)) The rapid rise in users on LinkedIn is evidence that job seekers are migrating online. Continue reading →

Topic 2 – Reflection

  What I’ve gathered from reading my classmates’ posts have got me thinking if multiple identities are an inevitable occurrence. Are fake identities really necessary in exchange for privacy? If having two or more identities is now a norm, is Mark Zuckerberg’s quote “Having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of integrity” still relevant? It seems that most of my classmates would not agree to that statement now. Continue reading →

Topic 2 – Multiple Online Identities

Angela Thomas put forth that our identities online is “about a close editing of self… ‘it’s me, but minus the things I don’t like about me’ – those aspects of self chosen to be shared with the public.” (Credit: Dating Humour/Pinterest) Thanks to numerous online platforms that have sprung up for users to engage in social activities, one would find ease in constructing multiple identities that cater to each community they decide to be a part of. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Reflection

(Credit: TheXiaxue/Youtube) Well, I thought I should just keep up with the theme of starting my post with a glamourous picture of a lady’s face. As I bloghopped (I know, urban dictionary is everywhere) around my fellow classmates’ sites and read Jacinda’s lovely comment on my post, I’ve noticed some mentions on the renown Singaporean blogger, Xiaxue. Many have referred to her as the epitome of a digital ‘Resident’. Continue reading →