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Here we are at our last post! I had such a wonderful time collaborating with my friends from Soton, Evan, Zoie and Wei Seong A.K.A TOR! Check out our video for the final summary blog post! I remember the first time during the introductory session, we carried out a self test, and I scored fairly. However, after two weeks of living and working on the web, I have gained so much from it. Every topic literally opened my eyes to see issues from different perspectives. Continue reading →

Topic 5: Reflective Summary

In the blink of an eye, here we are at Topic 5, Reflective Summary. From the beginning of Topic 1 to 5, we have explored many topics and seeing how things changed over the years just taught me how to adapt because change is constant. From ‘digital immigrants’ to ‘digital natives’, and from free online contents to 90% of online content within the next 3 years are only accessible after paying (paywall). Continue reading →

Topic 5: Explain the advantages and disadvantages to a content producer to making their materials freely available online

More than a decade ago, students visit library to do research, using physical books. However, education has changed over the years, due to the increase use of technology. Lecturers encourage students to be independent enough to source for information online. Classes are conducted in a way such that it is heavily depended on the Internet. For example, teachers use services like Youtube to deliver the lesson, as videos are way more engaging and interactive. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Reflective Summary

As I reflected upon this topic, I learnt that being ethical online is more than just the employees’ responsibilities. Everyone, including the organization has a part to play in practicing good ethics. As I read both of my friends’ posts, Charmaine and Jeanne, I find that they shared similar opinion. Like what Charmaine says, the problem is ‘misrepresentation’ which leads to a distrust between the company and the consumers. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Evaluate the ethical issues raised by the educational use of social.

Social Media is the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities. It is highly interactive, and a two way communication where people can share and comment. However, we have to take note of the ethical challenge, social media poses. Social media policies must be implemented, to avoid employee posting inappropriate content on their social media, as employees are also ambassadors of their own companies. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflective Summary

Once again, we talked about how we should have authentic online profile because it is just so crucial to present the real us to others. No more playing ‘game’ behind the scene by using false name or faking our particulars, and this time we have even gone an extra mile in giving tips in developing an authentic online profile. My friends’ blog opened my eyes to the things that I have missed out. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Discuss the ways in which an authentic online professional profile can be developed.

With the increase use of technology, having an online professional profile would provide us with ample opportunities, as our future employers would probably approach us via that channel. According to a recent US survey, almost 90% of employers use, or planning to use, social media in the process of recruitment. Hence, it is crucial for us to manage our digital profile, to portray the professional image of ourselves, in this intense competition for jobs online. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflective Summary

In my own post, I mentioned on the root cause of people creating multiple online identities because of privacy issue. Therefore, that could be the reason many people think that being anonymous can give them a certain degree of freedom to be who they want, without having to be accountable for their actions. I make my stand that I think one should be authentic, so that we can prevent cyber bullying or racism and even encourage one to be aware of their own behavior. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflective Summary

Gonna let the information sinks into my brain for a moment before I start writing my reflective summary for topic 1.. I never knew that education can be so interactive, with the use of social media platforms. So far, I have been enjoying writing and reading others’ blog. I have gained new insights on Topic 1 after reading my friends’ posts. Continue reading →