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Closing the Chapter: Final Reflection for MANG2049

After many cups of Starbucks, swapping out traditional stacks of study notes to dozens of browsers opened I’m pleased to present you all my final reflective post for MANG2049. Starting off, how has my blogging style transformed? Online blogging style Wrecking my brains trying to get my posts up on my blog each time, how have I improved? My first blog post had very little visuals and no info-graphics and it wasn’t good.  <Link of first post>/. Continue reading →

What do I think of Online Identities now?

Without noticing, this is my 3rd reflective post for module MANG2049. (self-produced, 2017 with sources from: ,  , ) From all these flooding information, we should be careful of our online identities. Just last year, my identity was stolen. Continue reading →

Single or Multiple Online Identities: What’s the drawback and benefits?

1. Introduction Internet is the centrality of our day-to-day lives. Our online identities impact our lives positively and negativity. As individuals we have a number of sites and services that requires an account (username, profile pictures). We all have a spectrum of identities, some we made public, some we kept away for our privacy purposes. Some of us separated work and friends, some of us chose not to. What are these identities and their pros and cons? 2. Continue reading →

In the cold light of the day: What have I learnt?

Yet another milestone for my online module #MANG2029 (twitter) . After reading some of my colleagues’ blogs and receiving some comments, I gained more insights on reliability of online information. As quoted from Luna’s blog, “Fake news is a get rich quick scheme”. I believe this sentence would remain indelible in my mind for quite some time as I do believe in that too. Fake news is an area that I did not went in-depth with in my previous blog post. Continue reading →

What’s the grain of Truth in the online universe?

In our globalizing world, we source our data bank from the internet. But have we thought about to what extent are the online information we received from the internet reliable? (self-produced, 2017) Media literacy is based on the outlet we utilized and the behaviour we have adopted to search for information. It could lead us to only limited information. (self-produced, 2017) Information literacy is how people search for connections and critically assess the reliability. Continue reading →

Food for thought: Topic 1

Digital differences have always existed and it is everywhere, however it has never crossed my mind before this topic. Min Hui’s post has made me ponder further if our online interactions due to our personal online practices has caused a toll or brought society to greater heights. She mentioned that living in Asia, her family would restrict the use of mobile phones at times in her reply to my comment. Here’s a video I thought was meaningful addressing this issue. Continue reading →

Interacting with the web: What are my digital differences?

A warm welcome to my blog! Today’s post is going to be revolving around digital difference. The topic of digital differences can be discussed through a two-pronged approach, namely digital inequalities and online practices. Digital Inequalities is defined as the difference in proficiency when it comes to using technology among people from diverse backgrounds, demographics and competencies. ( Continue reading →


As the title suggest, hello fellow readers! Welcome to my new blog, this marks the start of a new journey. Firstly, I’m have started this blog for an online module called ‘Living and working on the Web”. Some background information about myself can be found on the “about me” tab above. (: Today’s post is going to be about digital residents and digital visitors. Continue reading →