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One Ending, Many Beginnings

Every good thing has to come to an end, doesn’t it? Well, although my journey with #MANG2049 is ending, but it has opened doors to many new beginnings. Join me as I reflect back on my time with #MANG2049! As I mentioned in my “About Me” page, I’m a goal-setter and I did set a goal right after the introductory post. Self-produced Did I achieve it?  The most important takeaway from #MANG2049 is learning that my digital profile is my brand. Continue reading →

Food for Thought: Online Identities

Reflection time. Since my previous post and through discussions in MOOC, I’ve gathered that convenience is the main reason for having one identity. Screenshot of comments from MOOC However, one comment that struck me was against the use of anonymous identity. Initially, I share the same views as Viktoria and was against the use of anonymous identity but my stance has softened since. Here’s why. Continue reading →

Online Identity or Identities?

The digital age now has opened doors to having multiple online identities. How many YOUs do you have online? Do you know the benefits and drawbacks of having different identities? Self-produced; information from MOOC The issue with the online authenticity and privacy is widely debated. Let’s discuss it in 2 perspectives – Mark Zuckerberg’s, founder of Facebook, and Danah Boyd’s, Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research. Continue reading →

Onto the Digital Literacy Hype

Reflection time. Since my previous post, I’ve gained plenty of new insights regarding fake news for propaganda, automated social bots and imagery credibility! Based on the interactions in MOOC, it reiterated my stand that it is crucial to identify credibility by verifying claims. Screenshots of comments in MOOC Through my discussion with Stella, I was quite taken aback by the news reported by CNA regarding the affordability of housing in Singapore. Continue reading →


Source The Internet is smart, but how do we outsmart the smart? With tons of information  available online, the question lies in… How to evaluate these information? Filter bubbles and echo chambers keep us within the perimeters of what the Internet wants us to see based on our past interactions. Here’s how to escape your chamber and bubble to have an objective view.   We should be careful of fake news and take online information, especially those on social media, sceptically. Continue reading →


“Nic, why are you so tech-savvy?”  The Evaluation. Globalisation happened. Internet happened. Now, we’re connected! The use of Internet has been growing rapidly that digital differences and gaps are starting to appear. Some data provided by wearesocial: Click to view slideshow. As a digital native born in the Internet era in Singapore, I’ve been exposed to much more about the web. Continue reading →

Intro: Digital Visitor or Resident?

“Eh Nic! Have you taken your mandatory food shot for Instagram yet?” Screenshot of my Instagram. The concepts of digital natives and immigrants from Prensky (2001) really intrigued me! Those concepts identifies 2 different groups of people (mainly based on their age) in the digital sphere with natives being the individuals “grown locally” and the immigrants being the individuals catching up with the digital age. Continue reading →

The Beginning. #MANG2049

Greetings! It’s the beginning of a new chapter in my marketing journey with UOS and I’m excited to kick start #MANG2049. I will be blogging on topics regarding the social digital era so feel free to agree to disagree and I will be looking forward to interacting with you. For starters, here are some interesting quotes regarding the digital age. Enjoy! “There are no boundaries or borders in the digital age. Continue reading →