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Wrapping it Up!

Learning C++ at the age of 14 and utilising the web as an educational tool, I will say that I was digitally capable even before this module. However, after going through this 2 weeks of constant blogging and research. I must admit that it has opened up my eyes, and my views on the web took a drastic turn. I have learnt how my online presence and identity can directly affect my career opportunities. Digital Literacy Self Test LinkedIn I have always known about LinkedIn prior to this module. Continue reading →

Reflection: Going Global

What a topic this has been! Being a content producer myself, this topic hits close to home. Wanni mentioned that information is solely discipline focused, however I disagree with her on that. To dismiss information as irrelevant, due to an individual not being involved in that discipline is questionable. Information can help to build new interests which can lead to making better career choices. Continue reading →

Free Resources

Introduction to Open Access Materials While it is beneficial to have open access materials, it is likely that 90% of materials are soon to be held behind paywalls. (Lepitak, 2013) Should capitalism taint knowledge? You be the judge. Advantages of Releasing Free Materials The internet presents itself as a cornucopia of knowledge, being a content producer myself I rely on other content producers to help me develop new content. Continue reading →

Reflection: Ethics

With ethics being an umbrella topic provides great room for discussion. It was interesting to read on others’ concept of what is deemed ethical or not. As ethics are developed upon personal beliefs, cultures, upbringing etc; it is likely that I may have some slight disagreement with my peers. Xinlin’s post on media manipulation was one which I disagreed on. The fact that Victoria’s Secret’s perfect body campaign warrants public denigration is uncertain to me. Continue reading →

Social Media Screening

Ethical Subjectivism states that all moral standards or truths are dependent only upon the opinions and feelings of the utterer making the subjective moral judgment (David Agler). My personal view on e-screening being unethical is inherently subjected to arguments. As stated in my previous post, (Hudson, 2015) reports that 41% of managers in Singapore use social media screening. Surprisingly 79% of applicants are comfortable with their future employers seeing their online footprint. Continue reading →

Reflection: Analog | Digital

I believe most of us have a self-serving bias to a certain degree. Renee mentioned in her post, as employers begin accept unconventional recruitment practices there might be a tendency for applicants to lie about their qualifications on their digital profiles. However, traditional CVs are also subjected to lies (Asiaone, 2014), digital profiles just makes it easier. (Source: https://www.clearfit. Continue reading →

Digital Profile

“Twenty years ago, the resume was a piece of paper. Now, it’s a collection of all [candidate] data that can be found online, like participation in online communities, conferences and meet-ups.” – Jon Bischke, CEO Entelo Vessel for Information Digital profiles have the ability to showcase more about an individual when compared to traditional resume. Statistic shows that 73% of companies have plans to invest on social network as part of their recruitment process. Continue reading →

Reflection: Savoir-Faire

The idea of having multiple online identity or personas intrigues me. Humans have the uncanny ability to display savoir-faire at all times, be it online or offline. It led me to question myself and others, “Which is the real you or me?” Online identity may or may not represent an individual accurately, but one could argue that neither does your actual identity. Continue reading →

Anonymity or Identity?

How much does an individual value his/her privacy? I believe many have actively thought about that post-Snowden’s saga, 2013. Internet users spiraled into a state of anxiety and began to question internet governance. The thought of being actively surveilled gave impetus to the use of anonymity solutions such as “Tor” and various “Anonymous VPN”. Continue reading →

Reflection: Finding Balance

Firstly, I have to say that this is by far the most pleasant module that I have experienced. With the first topic being so relevant, it engaged me cognitively and triggered my curiosity. Never would I have paused to think about my classification as a digital user. It is interesting to see how people can be classified as “Residents”, “Visitors”, “Natives” and “Immigrants”. Continue reading →