I am grateful to Open Access (OA). It has in many ways brought knowledge to everyone seeking, even the poor because it is offered free of charge, as long as one has internet access
Photo Reference: How things like OA might just cause the internet to “wake up the world ” Photo by Cisco Systems, found here
OA is testament to how powerful technology is.
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Photo references: The above photo is from here
Open access (OA) refers to a situation where one can read articles online free of charge. OA applies to all forms of research materials that are published online (Open access, 2016)
Please click here to see a Prezi, I did, on “Open Access In A Nut Shell”
The similarity of OA Â across research materials
Photo reference: A diagram from my notebook with regards to 2 complementary points discovered.
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Photo reference: https://anticsofateenagedreamer.wordpress.com/
It has never occur to me that excessive freedom of expression online, especially if left unchecked, would become the root cause of unethical behaviour on social media
I have always perceived the internet to be a place for freedom of expression. Echoing what JiaJun said, it is also the fastest and most convenient channel to obtain information, making learning very cohesive
Photo reference: https://thenonconformer.wordpress.
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Photo reference: http://lindsayolson.com/pr-ethics-an-oxymoron/
Reference: Ethics from rupaleeslideshare
In case theres technical errors, view the slides here
The rapidly evolving nature of new media technologies in the 21st century has resulted in a transformation of the way human beings initiate and/or maintain almost every type of ethically significant behavior.
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Image reference : (Hay, A, 2014)
Before I got to work on this given topic, I perceived having an authentic professional profile as a necessity as recruiters are now going digital in a big way to hire, to save cost while maximising exposure. It did not occur to me that one can have an online presence in different sites, showcasing the different aspects of his attributes, and still be counted as authentic.
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To look at ways whereby we can develop an authentic online professional profile, let us first find out WHY do we want to develop such a profile
Photo reference: (Sundberg, 2012)
Presence on Business Networking Platforms
Given the importance of social media sites to market oneself, for any job seeker, it becomes inevitable to develop an authentic online identity, at least on one, if not a few professional social media sites.
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Photo Reference: http://apcmag.com/protecting-your-online-identity.htm/
Before this topic was covered, I was not aware that my presence presented on various social media accounts are actually different personas and that this could lead to an integrity issue
I perceived the various social media sites as no more than competitors trying to provide users with a differential advantage.
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Photo Reference:https://shapeshed.com/images/articles/indentity_new.png
Before I address the question, there are 2 terms that I would like to highlight which are significant to our discussion:
“Online identity or internet persona is a social identity that an Internet user establishes in online communities and websites. It can also be considered as an actively constructed presentation of oneself.
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Reflecting on Topic 1: Digital “Residents” and “Visitors….”
Upon reflection on Topic 1, the concept of Digital “Residents” and “Visitors” has opened my eyes to see how “netizens” are classified based on their personality, traits and behavioral pattern.
This could be attributed to the fact that I grew up when the computer and the internet were already in existence and was part and parcel of my life.
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