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Reflective Summary: The Culture of Free

Topic 5 was all about the materials found online. Should content producers make them free of charge? How do they get compensated through this? As there are many different types of content available online, producers and consumers have different expectation and compensation methods. Digitisation has lead to people trying to get everything for free, old business models are broken and people have different needs. Continue reading →

Openness in…. Media?

There are many different types of content available online. These include academic articles, music, films, scientific research and content for websites and apps. One of the main reasons for the debate if whether content producers should make their materials free or not, is due to digitisation and the evolution of the Internet. “Media is not scarce any more – attention is the scarce resource. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary + Clickbait Headlines

We were tasked to evaluate an ethical issue raised by the educational or business use of social media. The issue that I brought up was how business addressed negativity on social media. This negativity could strengthen or damage the brand. Consumers were becoming increasingly powerful and businesses needed to react quick, and appropriately. I enjoyed this topic a lot because it gave all of us plenty of room to explore vastly different issues and viewpoints. Continue reading →

How Social Media Fuels Customer Complaints

Everyone has a voice on social media.  People on social media feel like “mini celebrities” as they are aware that their actions and activities online are being closely followed. This catalyses confidence behind the screen of which many hide. Years ago, your complaint would only be noticed if you were public media. Now, if a consumer is dissatisfied with something, they now use social media as an outlet to complain and vent their frustration. Continue reading →

Notice Me!

In this digital age, it is really important for job seekers to evolve. Creating your own personal brand and telling your own story in the best way is very important and can help you stand out amongst the crowd! Here’s how: 1. Strategy Strategy outlines being purposeful in all your engagements and builds on your professional online identity. This helps to define your professional attributes and expertise to employers, organisations and the marketplace in the best way. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflective Summary

In my post, I elaborated about the pros and cons of having one identity or multiple identities respectively. Another insight that I outlined the difference (or absence of) between online and offline identities. For me, the most significant aspect of this topic was having a choice in different situations. The benefits of having multiple identities outweigh that of having just one. Continue reading →

Topic 2: For & against having more than one online identity

Online identity is defined by Internet Society as a set of characteristics that define a person. My personal opinion is that the internet is a double-edged sword. It may allow people to portray themselves as ideal versions, or be completely parallel to what happens in real life to the extent that it limits freedom and choice. There are pros and cons of having one or more online identity, but I believe that having more than one identity benefits consmers like myself more. Continue reading →

Topic 1 Reflective Summary

Using the articles provided and our own personal research and opinions, we were tasked to write a blog post of digital visitors and immigrants. Subsequently, we had to comment on two blog posts of our choice and write this reflective summary. Upon reading various blog posts written by my colleagues, I discovered the many different views and writing styles. Everyone used various answering methods and ways to structure them. Continue reading →

Topic 1

Digital Residents & Visitors Many of us Millenials make up a large percentage of what is typically defined as a digital “resident” – we spend the most part of our day online without even batting an eyelid. They practically “live” online. The first thing that many of us do when we wake up it to check our mobile phones. We connect with friends, get updates on areas of interest, and read the news online during those first few minutes of our day. Continue reading →