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Before and After MANG2049

After 12 weeks of Living and Working on Web( MANG 2049) module, the new knowledge, tools, and insights gained is unbelievable as I read up on a lot of articles while doing my research for daily assessments. It is also amazing to find out about different digital lifestyles of my classmates as well as to find out more about mine. In this way, I learned how to properly use the web and how to present myself in an ethical way on the web. Continue reading →

Identifying myself with Multiple Online Identities

I decided to go with Multiple Online Identities approach since 3 years ago, this is because I felt like there is no privacy and security. Thus I made another Facebook and Instagram account for privacy and professionalism. Internet Crimes has been increasing and job hiring is relying more and more upon on one’s internet identity, thus, if you have many personae and interests and is not willing to be limited to one idea like me, then it is better to have more than one personalities. Continue reading →

Online Identities and how do you identify yourself?

  Before Facebook and Instagram became the major social platforms of this era, there were GTalk and MySpace was used by the majority of the internet users and anonymity was the highlight among the users. Even though the internet has been improved and still is improving, the number of fake accounts is still increasing. According to this article, it is normal to have multiple online identities these days. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Finding and evaluating the right source of online information

“How do we ensure that that information we search is reliable?” Recently, there is a rise of fake news spreading around and we have to ensure that the information we received is credible, reliable and must have no biases. After reading Media Literacy, I have realized that the available information is usually one-sided, due to “Filter Bubbles” that is provided by search engines such as Google and social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflection- Aspects that I need to improve and gain.

Topic 1: Digital Differences, changes my view and thoughts on web connectivity. I also found out that there are similar ideas and contrast points from reading my classmates’ feedback and their thoughts on this topic, which leads me to find out what I lack while contributing to this topic. First thing I noticed is that I lacked visual aid to support my argument. In all honesty, I’m not really in tune with using Piktochart or any other graphics-related tools. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Evaluate the “impact of digital differences” on how you interact with the Web

Even though the web has been a big influence on people’s lives in the past 10 years, there are still people who don’t have access to the internet. This is where the “digital differences” come in and various studies have stated that “digital differences” are shaped by social inequalities and factors such as Demography and Economy background determines the level of interaction with the web made by an individual. Continue reading →

Introductory Post: Digital Visitors Vs Digital Residents

In today’s fast paced world where technology became the social platform where people used to voice out their opinions, share knowledge and showcase their inner self in creative forms of poetry, digital art and music, analyses are conducted based on the digital behaviours of current internet generation. The users are then categorised in two groups: Digital Visitors and Digital Residents. Continue reading →